Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 1: The Regions of the Body: Anterior View
    Abdominal region, anterior view|腹部の区画、前から Antebrachium|前腕 Arm|上腕 Calcaneal region|踵骨部 Cubital region, anterior|肘(前から) Foot, dorsal|足背 Fossa, axillary|腋窩 Hand|手 Hand, palm of|手掌 Knee region, anterior|訳語 Leg|下腿 Malleolus, lateral|外果 Palm, of hand|手掌 Penis|陰茎 Region, antebrachial, anterior|前 Region, antebrachial, posterior|後 Region, axillary|腋窩部 Region, brachial, anterior|前 Region, brachial, posterior|後 Region, calcaneal|踵骨部 Region, crural, anterior|前 Region, crural, posterior|後 Region, cubital, anterior|前 Region, deltoid|三角筋部 Region, epigastric|(正式)上腹部、(一般)心窩部 Region, femoral, anterior|前 Region, frontal|前頭部 Region, hypochondriac|下腹部 Region, infraclavicular|鎖骨下方の部位 Region, inguinal|鼠径部 Region, knee, anterior|前 Region, mental|オトガイ部 Region, nasal|鼻部 Region, neck, anterior|前 Region, neck, lateral|側 Region, of body, anterior view|人体の前面観 Region, oral|口腔部 Region, orbital|眼窩部 Region, parietal|側頭部 Region, pectoral|胸筋部 Region, pubic|恥骨部 Region, sternal|胸骨部 Region, sternocleidomastoid|胸鎖乳突筋部 Region, temporal|側頭部 Region, trochanteric|大転子部 Region, umbilical|臍部 Thigh, anterior|大腿前面 Triangle(s), deltopectoral|三角胸筋溝 Triangle(s), femoral|大腿三角
Fig. 462: Superficial Muscles and Tendons of the Right Lower Thigh and Leg, Medial View
    Bone(s), cuneiform of foot|楔状骨(けつじょうこつ) Bone(s), metatarsal|中足骨 Bone(s), tibia|脛骨 Bursa(e), of calcaneal tendon|訳語 Leg|下腿 Ligament(s), deltoid|三角靭帯 Ligament(s), patellar|膝蓋靭帯 Muscle(s), abductor hallucis|(足の)母指外転筋 Muscle(s), flexor digitorum longus|(足の)長指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis longus|(足の)長母指屈筋 Muscle(s), gastrocnemius, medial head of|内側頭 Muscle(s), gracilis|薄筋 Muscle(s), sartorius|縫工筋 Muscle(s), semimembranosus|半膜様筋 Muscle(s), semitendinosus|半腱様筋 Muscle(s), soleus|ヒラメ筋 Muscle(s), tibialis anterior|前脛骨筋 Muscle(s), vastus medialis|内側広筋 Pes anserinus|鵞足 Retinaculum, extensor, of foot|(足の)伸筋支帯 Retinaculum, flexor, of foot|(足の)屈筋支帯 Retinaculum, patellar|膝蓋骨の支帯 Tendon(s), calcaneal|アキレス腱、踵骨腱 Tendon(s), of extensor digitorum longus muscle|(足の)長指伸筋の腱 Tendon(s), of extensor hallucis longus muscle|(足の)長母指伸筋の腱 Tendon(s), of flexor digitorum longus, muscle|(足の)長指屈筋の腱 Tendon(s), of flexor hallucis longus, muscle|(足の)長母指屈筋の腱 Tendon(s), of gastrocnemius muscle|腓腹筋の腱 Tendon(s), of gracilis muscle|薄筋の腱 Tendon(s), of semimembranosus muscle|半膜様筋の腱 Tendon(s), of semitendinosus muscle|半腱様筋の腱 Tendon(s), of tibialis anterior muscle|前脛骨筋の腱 Tendon(s), of tibialis posterior muscle|後脛骨筋の腱 Tendon sheath(s), of extensor digitorum longus muscle|(足の)長指伸筋腱の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of extensor hallucis longus muscle|(足の)長母指伸筋腱の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of flexor digitorum longus muscle|(足の)長指屈筋の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of flexor hallucis longus muscle|(足の)長母指屈筋の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of foot|(足の)滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of tibialis anterior muscle|前脛骨筋の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of tibialis posterior muscle|後脛骨筋の滑液鞘
Fig. 463: Superficial Muscles and Tendons of the Right Lower Thigh and Leg, Lateral View
    Bone(s), fibula, head of|腓骨頭 Bursa(e), infrapatellar|訳語 Bursa(e), of calcaneal tendon|訳語 Iliotibial tract|腸脛靭帯 Leg|下腿 Leg, compartment of, lateral, muscles of|訳語 Ligament(s), anterior, of head of fibula|訳語 Ligament(s), calcaneofibular|踵腓(しょうひ)靭帯 Ligament(s), collateral, fibular|訳語 Ligament(s), fibular collateral|訳語 Ligament(s), patellar|膝蓋靭帯 Malleolus, lateral|外果 Muscle(s), abductor digiti minimi, of foot|(足の)小指外転筋 Muscle(s), biceps femoris, long head of|長頭 Muscle(s), biceps femoris, short head of|短頭 Muscle(s), extensor digitorum brevis|(足の)短指伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor digitorum longus, of leg|(足の)長指伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor hallucis brevis|(足の)短母指伸筋 Muscle(s), gastrocnemius, lateral head of|外側頭 Muscle(s), opponens digiti minimi, of foot|(足の)小指対立筋 Muscle(s), peroneus brevis|短腓骨筋 Muscle(s), peroneus longus|長腓骨筋 Muscle(s), plantaris|足底筋 Muscle(s), soleus|ヒラメ筋 Muscle(s), tibialis anterior|前脛骨筋 Muscle(s), vastus lateralis|外側広筋 Nerve(s), peroneal, common|総腓骨神経 Retinaculum, extensor, of foot|(足の)伸筋支帯 Retinaculum, patellar|膝蓋骨の支帯 Retinaculum, peroneal, inferior|下腓骨筋支帯 Retinaculum, peroneal, superior|上腓骨筋支帯 Tendon(s), calcaneal|アキレス腱、踵骨腱 Tendon(s), of extensor digitorum longus muscle|(足の)長指伸筋の腱 Tendon(s), of extensor hallucis longus muscle|(足の)長母指伸筋の腱 Tendon(s), of peroneus tertius muscle|第三腓骨筋の腱 Tendon(s), of rectus femoris muscle|大腿直筋の腱 Tendon sheath(s), of extensor digitorum longus muscle|(足の)長指伸筋腱の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of foot|(足の)滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of peroneus brevis muscle|短腓骨筋の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of peroneus longus muscle|長腓骨筋の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of tibialis anterior muscle|前脛骨筋の滑液鞘 Tract, iliotibial|腸脛靭帯
Fig. 489: Cross Section Through Upper Third of Right Leg(Distal Surface)
    Artery (arteries), popliteal|膝窩(しつか)動脈 Artery (arteries), tibial, anterior|前脛骨(けいこつ)動脈 Bone(s), fibula|腓骨(ひこつ) Bone(s), tibia, margin of, interosseous|骨間縁 Bone(s), tibia, surface of, medial|訳語 Bursa(e), anserine|鵞足包 Bursa(e), of tibial tuberosity|訳語 Fascia(e), crural|下腿筋膜 Fossa, popliteal|膝窩 Leg|下腿 Leg, cross sections of|訳語 Ligament(s), patellar|膝蓋靭帯 Membrane, interosseous, of leg|下腿骨間膜 Muscle(s), extensor digitorum longus, of leg|(足の)長指伸筋 Muscle(s), gastrocnemius, lateral head of|外側頭 Muscle(s), gastrocnemius, medial head of|内側頭 Muscle(s), peroneus longus|長腓骨筋 Muscle(s), plantaris|足底筋 Muscle(s), popliteus|膝窩筋 Muscle(s), soleus|ヒラメ筋 Muscle(s), tibialis anterior|前脛骨筋 Nerve(s), cutaneous, saphenous, medial|(非)伏在神経の内側枝 Nerve(s), cutaneous, sural, lateral|外側腓腹皮神経 Nerve(s), cutaneous, sural, medial|内側腓腹皮神経 Nerve(s), peroneal, common|総腓骨神経 Nerve(s), saphenous|伏在神経 Nerve(s), tibial|脛骨神経 Pes anserinus|鵞足 Septum (Septa), intermuscular, lower limb|下肢の Tendon(s), of gracilis muscle|薄筋の腱 Tendon(s), of sartorius muscle|縫工筋の腱 Tendon(s), of semimembranosus muscle|半膜様筋の腱 Tendon(s), of semitendinosus muscle|半腱様筋の腱 Vein(s), popliteal|膝窩静脈 Vein(s), saphenous, great|大伏在静脈 Vein(s), saphenous, small|小伏在静脈
Fig. 490: Cross Section Through the Middle of Right Leg(Distal Surface)
    Artery (arteries), peroneal|腓骨動脈 Artery (arteries), tibial, anterior|前脛骨(けいこつ)動脈 Artery (arteries), tibial, posterior|後脛骨動脈 Bone(s), fibula, crest of, medial|内側稜 Bone(s), fibula, margin of, anterior|腓骨の前縁 Bone(s), fibula, margin of, lnterosseous|骨間縁 Bone(s), fibula, margin of, posterior|後縁 Bone(s), fibula, surface of, lateral|外側面 Bone(s), fibula, surface of, posterior|後面 Bone(s), tibia, margin of, anterior|前縁 Bone(s), tibia, margin of, medial|内側縁 Bone(s), tibia, surface of, lateral|訳語 Bone(s), tibia, surface of, medial|訳語 Bone(s), tibia, surface of, posterior|訳語 Fascia(e), crural|下腿筋膜 Leg|下腿 Leg, cross sections of|訳語 Membrane, interosseous, of leg|下腿骨間膜 Muscle(s), extensor digitorum longus, of leg|(足の)長指伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor hallucis longus|(足の)長母指伸筋 Muscle(s), flexor digitorum longus|(足の)長指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis longus|(足の)長母指屈筋 Muscle(s), peroneus brevis|短腓骨筋 Muscle(s), peroneus longus|長腓骨筋 Muscle(s), soleus|ヒラメ筋 Muscle(s), tibialis anterior|前脛骨筋 Muscle(s), tibialis posterior|後脛骨筋 Nerve(s), cutaneous, sural, lateral|外側腓腹皮神経 Nerve(s), peroneal, deep|深腓骨神経分布 Nerve(s), peroneal, superficial|浅腓骨神経分布 Nerve(s), saphenous|伏在神経 Nerve(s), sural|腓骨神経 Nerve(s), tibial|脛骨神経 Septum (Septa), intermuscular, lower limb|下肢の Tendon(s), of gastrocnemius muscle|腓腹筋の腱 Vein(s), saphenous, great|大伏在静脈 Vein(s), saphenous, small|小伏在静脈 Vein(s), tibial, anterior|前脛骨静脈 Vein(s), tibial, posterior|後脛骨静脈
Fig. 491: Cross Section Through the Right Leg Just Above the Malleoli (Distal Surface)
    Artery (arteries), peroneal|腓骨動脈 Artery (arteries), tibial, anterior|前脛骨(けいこつ)動脈 Artery (arteries), tibial, posterior|後脛骨動脈 Bone(s), fibula|腓骨(ひこつ) Bone(s), tibia|脛骨 Fascia(e), crural|下腿筋膜 Leg|下腿 Leg, cross sections of|訳語 Muscle(s), extensor digitorum longus, of leg|(足の)長指伸筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis longus|(足の)長母指屈筋 Muscle(s), peroneus brevis|短腓骨筋 Nerve(s), peroneal, deep|深腓骨神経分布 Nerve(s), peroneal, superficial|浅腓骨神経分布 Nerve(s), saphenous|伏在神経 Nerve(s), sural|腓骨神経 Nerve(s), tibial|脛骨神経 Retinaculum, flexor, of foot|(足の)屈筋支帯 Retinaculum, peroneal, superior|上腓骨筋支帯 Space(s), calcaneal subtendinous|訳語 Syndesmosis, tibiofibular, distal|脛腓靭帯結合 Tendon(s), calcaneal|アキレス腱、踵骨腱 Tendon(s), of extensor hallucis longus muscle|(足の)長母指伸筋の腱 Tendon(s), of flexor digitorum longus, muscle|(足の)長指屈筋の腱 Tendon(s), of peroneus longus muscle|長腓骨筋の腱 Tendon(s), of tibialis anterior muscle|前脛骨筋の腱 Tendon(s), of tibialis posterior muscle|後脛骨筋の腱 Vein(s), saphenous, great|大伏在静脈 Vein(s), saphenous, small|小伏在静脈 Vein(s), tibial, anterior|前脛骨静脈 Vein(s), tibial, posterior|後脛骨静脈
Fig. 520: The Regions of the Body: Posterior View
    Calf, of leg|ふくらはぎ(腓腹) Elbow|肘 Foot, dorsal|足背 Foot, sole of|足底のふくらみ Fossa, popliteal|膝窩 Hand|手 Knee region, anterior|訳語 Leg|下腿 Muscle(s), supraspinatus|棘上筋 Palm, of hand|手掌 Region, acromial|肩峰部 Region, anal|肛門部 Region, antebrachial, anterior|前 Region, antebrachial, posterior|後 Region, brachial, posterior|後 Region, buccal|頬部 Region, calcaneal|踵骨部 Region, crural, anterior|前 Region, crural, posterior|後 Region, deltoid|三角筋部 Region, elbow|肘部 Region, femoral, posterior|後 Region, frontal|前頭部 Region, gluteal|殿部 Region, hyoid|舌骨部 Region, hypochondriac|下腹部 Region, infrascapular|(背部の)肩甲骨下方の部位 Region, interscapular|肩甲間部 Region, knee, posterior|後 Region, lumbar|腰部 Region, lumbar, lateral|外側 Region, neck, posterior|後 Region, occipital|後頭部 Region, of body, posterior view|人体の後面観 Region, orbital|眼窩部 Region, parietal|側頭部 Region, pectoral|胸筋部 Region, sacral|仙骨部 Region, scapular|肩甲骨部 Region, sternocleidomastoid|胸鎖乳突筋部 Region, suprascapular|肩甲上部 Region, temporal|側頭部 Region, vertebral|脊柱・椎骨部 Region, zygomatic|頬骨部 Sole, of foot|ふくらはぎ Thigh, posterior|大腿後面 Triangle(s), submandibular|顎下三角