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Fig. 102: Superficial Veins and Nerves of the Dorsum of the Left Hand
    Fascia(e), antebrachial|前腕筋膜 Hand|手 Hand, arteries of|手の動脈 Hand, arteries of, dorsal|手背の動脈 Hand, dorsal, arteries of|手背の動脈 Hand, dorsal, nerves and veins of, superficial|手背浅層の神経と静脈 Hand, nerves of|手の神経 Hand, veins of|訳語 Nerve(s), cutaneous, antebrachial, posterior|後前腕皮神経 Nerve(s), digital, of hand|手指の神経 Nerve(s), radial, superficial branch|浅枝 Nerve(s), ulnar|尺骨神経 Network, venous, of dorsal hand|手背静脈網 Vein(s), basilic|尺側皮静脈 Vein(s), cephalic|橈側皮静脈 Vein(s), intercapitular|訳語 Vein(s), superficial, of hand, dorsal|手背の皮静脈 Venous network, of dorsal hand|手背の静脈網
Fig. 103: Extensor Tendons and Their Synovial Sheaths, the Left Dorsal Wrist
    Fascia(e), antebrachial|前腕筋膜 Hand|手 Hand, intertendinous connections of|手背の腱間結合 Hand, tendons and synovial, sheaths of|腱と腱鞘 Muscle(s), interossei, dorsal, of hand|手の背側骨間筋 Retinaculum, extensor, of hand|(手の)伸筋支帯 Tendon(s), extensor, of dorsal, wrist|手くび背側の伸筋腱 Tendon(s), of extensor digitorum muscle|指伸筋の腱 Tendon(s), of wrist|手くびの腱 Tendon sheath(s), of hand|(手の)滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of wrist|手くびの滑液鞘 Wrist, tendons of|手くびの腱
Fig. 104: Tendons, Arteries and Digital Nerves, Dorsum of the Left Hand
    Fascia(e), antebrachial|前腕筋膜 Hand|手 Hand, arteries of|手の動脈 Hand, arteries of, dorsal|手背の動脈 Hand, dorsal, arteries of|手背の動脈 Hand, nerves of|手の神経 Hand, tendons and synovial, sheaths of|腱と腱鞘 Muscle(s), interossei, dorsal, of hand|手の背側骨間筋
Fig. 105: Arteries of the Left Dorsal Wrist and Hand, Deep View
    Artery (arteries), interosseous, anterior|前骨間動脈 Artery (arteries), princeps pollicis|母指主動脈 Artery (arteries), radial|橈骨(とうこつ)動脈 Artery (arteries), radial, carpal branch|手根枝 Artery (arteries), radial, perforating branch|貫通枝 Artery (arteries), ulnar|尺骨動脈 Hand|手 Hand, arteries of|手の動脈 Hand, arteries of, dorsal|手背の動脈 Hand, dorsal, arteries of|手背の動脈 Membrane, interosseous, of forearm|前腕骨間膜 Muscle(s), adductor pollicis|母指内転筋 Muscle(s), extensor carpi ulnaris|尺側手根伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor pollicis brevis|短母指伸筋 Muscle(s), interossei, dorsal, of hand|手の背側骨間筋 Nerve(s), interosseous, posterior|後骨間神経 Network, arterial, dorsal carpal|手背動脈網 Retinaculum, extensor, of hand|(手の)伸筋支帯 Tendon(s), of abductor pollicis longus muscle|長母指外転筋の腱 Tendon(s), of extensor pollicis longus muscle|長母指伸筋の腱 Wrist, arteries of|手くびの動脈