Lists of the Captions of the Figures

[ºÆ¸¡º÷]¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ [LAMeN ¥Û¡¼¥à¥Ú¡¼¥¸]
Fig. 153: Pleural Reflections(blue) and Lungs(red) Projected onto Thoracic Wall
    Area, cardiac|¿´Â¡¤ÎÂÎɽÅê±Æ Area, interpleural, inferior|(Èó)²¼ÇÙ´Ö°è Area, interpleural, superior|(Èó) ¾åÇÙ´Ö°è Area, thymic|(Èó)¶»Á£°è Cardiac area|¿´Â¡¤ÎÂÎɽÅê±Æ Cardiac notch|¿´ÀÚº¯ Cupula, of pleura, cervical|¶»Ëìĺ Fissure, horizontal, right lung|±¦Ç٤οåÊ¿Îö Fissure, oblique, lung, left|º¸Ç٤μÐÎö Fissure, oblique, lung, right|±¦Ç٤μÐÎö Gland(s), thymus|¶»Á£ Interpleural area, inferior|Ìõ¸ì Interpleural area, superior|Ìõ¸ì Lingula, of lung (left)|ÇÙÀå¶è Lung(s)|ÇÙ Lung(s), cardiac notch of|Ç٤ο´ÀÚº¯ Lung(s), left, interlobar fissure of, oblique|(ÍÕ´Ö¤Î)¼ÐÎö Lung(s), left, lobe of, lower|²¼ÍÕ Lung(s), left, lobe of, upper|¾åÍÕ Lung(s), lingula of|ÇÙÀå¶è Lung(s), projected onto thoracic wall, anterior view|ÇÙ¤ÎÁ°¶»ÊɤؤÎÅê±Æ Lung(s), right, interlobar fissure of, horizontal|(ÍÕ´Ö¤Î)¿åÊ¿Îö Lung(s), right, interlobar fissure of, oblique|(ÍÕ´Ö¤Î)¼ÐÎö Lung(s), right, lobe of, lower|²¼ÍÕ Lung(s), right, lobe of, middle|ÃæÍÕ Lung(s), right, lobe of, upper|¾åÍÕ Notch, cardiac|Ç٤ο´ÀÚº¯ Pleura, cupula of|¶»Ëìĺ Pleura, recess of, costomediastinal|Ͼ¹ü½Ä³Öƶ Recess, costomediastinal|Ͼ¹ü½Ä³Öƶ Thorax, skeleton of|¶»³Ô¤Î¹ü³Ê¡Ô¶¹µÁ¤Î¶»³Ô¡Õ Thymus gland|¶»Á£
Fig. 154: Pleural Reflections(blue) and Lungs(red) Projected onto Thoracic Wall
    Cupula, of pleura, cervical|¶»Ëìĺ Fissure, oblique|Ìõ¸ì Lung(s)|ÇÙ Lung(s), left, interlobar fissure of, oblique|(ÍÕ´Ö¤Î)¼ÐÎö Lung(s), margin of, inferior, right lung|Ìõ¸ì Lung(s), projected onto thoracic wall, anterior view|ÇÙ¤ÎÁ°¶»ÊɤؤÎÅê±Æ Lung(s), right, lobe of, lower|²¼ÍÕ Lung(s), right, lobe of, upper|¾åÍÕ Pleura, cupula of|¶»Ëìĺ Pleura, costal|Ͼ¹ü(¤òʤ¤¦)¶»Ëì Pleura, diaphragmatic|²£³Ö(Ëì¤òʤ¤¦)¶»Ëì Pleura, mediastinal|½Ä³Ö(Ì̤Î)¶»Ëì Pleura, recess of, costodiaphragmatic|²£³Ö½Ä³Öƶ Recess, costodiaphragmatic|²£³Ö½Ä³Öƶ Thorax, skeleton of|¶»³Ô¤Î¹ü³Ê¡Ô¶¹µÁ¤Î¶»³Ô¡Õ
Fig. 155: Right Lateral View Pleural Reflections(blue) and Lungs(red) Projected onto Thoracic Wall
    Cupula, of pleura, cervical|¶»Ëìĺ Fascia(e), cervical|·Û¶ÚËì Lung(s)|ÇÙ Lung(s), projected onto thoracic wall, anterior view|ÇÙ¤ÎÁ°¶»ÊɤؤÎÅê±Æ Lung(s), right, lobe of, lower|²¼ÍÕ Lung(s), right, lobe of, middle|ÃæÍÕ Lung(s), right, lobe of, upper|¾åÍÕ Pleura|¶»Ëì Pleura, cupula of|¶»Ëìĺ Pleura, recess of, costodiaphragmatic|²£³Ö½Ä³Öƶ Recess, costodiaphragmatic|²£³Ö½Ä³Öƶ Thorax, skeleton of|¶»³Ô¤Î¹ü³Ê¡Ô¶¹µÁ¤Î¶»³Ô¡Õ
Fig. 156: Left Lateral View Pleural Reflections(blue) and Lungs(red) Projected onto Thoracic Wall
    Fissure, oblique, lung, left|º¸Ç٤μÐÎö Lingula, of lung (left)|ÇÙÀå¶è Lung(s)|ÇÙ Lung(s), apex of|ÇÙÀí Lung(s), cardiac notch of|Ç٤ο´ÀÚº¯ Lung(s), left, interlobar fissure of, oblique|(ÍÕ´Ö¤Î)¼ÐÎö Lung(s), left, lobe of, lower|²¼ÍÕ Lung(s), left, lobe of, upper|¾åÍÕ Lung(s), lingula of|ÇÙÀå¶è Lung(s), projected onto thoracic wall, anterior view|ÇÙ¤ÎÁ°¶»ÊɤؤÎÅê±Æ Pleura|¶»Ëì Pleura, recess of, costodiaphragmatic|²£³Ö½Ä³Öƶ Recess, costodiaphragmatic|²£³Ö½Ä³Öƶ Thorax, skeleton of|¶»³Ô¤Î¹ü³Ê¡Ô¶¹µÁ¤Î¶»³Ô¡Õ