Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 159: Cross Section of the Thorax Inferior to the Hilum at the Pulmonary Ligament
    Aorta, descending|下行大動脈 Atrium, left|左心房 Atrium, right|右心房 Cavity, pericardial|心膜腔 Esophagus|食道 Ligament(s), pulmonary|肺間膜 Mediastinum|縦隔 Mediastinum, anterior|前縦隔 Mediastinum, posterior|後縦隔 Pericardial cavity|心膜腔 Pericardium, parietal|壁側心膜 Pericardium, visceral|臓側心膜 Pleura, visceral|臓側胸膜 Thorax, section of, cross|胸郭の横断 Vein(s), azygos|奇静脈 Vein(s), pulmonary, left|訳語 Ventricle, of heart, left|左心室 Ventricle, of heart, right|右心室 Vertebra(e), thoracic|胸椎
Fig. 214: A Median Sagittal Section of the Thorax and Vertebral Column Viewed from the Right Side
    Aorta, arch of|大動脈弓 Aorta, ascending|上行大動脈 Aorta, descending|下行大動脈 Aorta, hiatus of|大動脈裂孔 Artery (arteries), carotid, common, left|左総頚動脈 Artery (arteries), coronary, right|右冠動脈 Artery (arteries), intercostal|肋間動脈 Artery (arteries), pulmonary|肺動脈 Atrioventricular opening, right|右房室口 Atrium, left|左心房 Bifurcation, tracheal|気管分岐部 Bone(s), sternum, body of|訳語 Cusp(s), of valve, tricuspid, dorsal|三尖弁後尖 Cusp(s), of valve, tricuspid, septal|三尖弁中隔尖 Cusp(s), of valve, tricuspid, ventral|三尖弁後尖 Diaphragm|横隔膜 Disc, intervertebral|椎間円板 Duct(s), thoracic|胸管 Esophagus|食道 Esophagus, hiatus of|食道裂孔 Esophagus, part of, abdominal|腹部食道 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Hiatus, aortic|大動脈裂孔 Hiatus, esophageal|食道裂孔 Ligament(s), interspinal|棘間靭帯 Ligament(s), longitudinal, anterior|脊柱の前縦靭帯 Ligament(s), longitudinal, posterior|脊柱の後縦靭帯 Ligament(s), supraspinal|棘上靭帯 Limbus fossa ovalis|訳語 Opening(s), atrioventricular|房室口 Opening(s), coronary sinus, opening of|冠状動脈洞の開口 Pericardium|心膜 Pericardium, aortic recess of|訳語 Pericardium, diaphragmatic|横隔心膜 Recess, pericardial, of aorta|上行大動脈周囲の陥凹 Sinus(es), coronary|冠状静脈洞 Sinus(es), coronary, valve of|訳語 Sinus(es), pericardial, transverse|心膜横洞 Space(s), suprasternal|訳語 Thorax, section of, sagittal|矢状断 Trachea|気管 Trachea, bifurcation of|気管分岐部 Trunk, brachiocephalic|腕頭動脈 Valve(s), atrioventricular, right (tricuspid)|右房室弁 三尖弁) Valve(s), atrioventricular, right (tricuspid), dorsal cusp|後尖 Valve(s), atrioventricular, right (tricuspid), septal cusp|中隔尖 Valve(s), atrioventricular, right (tricuspid), ventral cusp|前尖 Valve(s), of coronary sinus|冠状静脈洞弁 Valve(s), of inferior vena cava|下大静脈の弁 Vein(s), azygos|奇静脈 Vein(s), basisvertebral|訳語 Vein(s), brachiocephalic, left|腕頭静脈 Ventricle, of heart, right|右心室 Vertebra(e), thoracic, process of, spinous|棘突起 Vertebral column|脊柱
Fig. 219: Dorsal View of the Mediastinum and Lungs with the Thoracic Vertebral Column Removed
    Ansa subclavia|交感神経幹の鎖骨下ワナ Aorta, arch of|大動脈弓 Aorta, descending|下行大動脈 Arch(es), lumbocostal, medial|(非)内側腰肋弓、(一般)内側弓状靭帯 Artery (arteries), carotid, common, left|左総頚動脈 Artery (arteries), intercostal, supreme|最上肋間動脈 Artery (arteries), subclavian, left|左鎖骨下動脈 Artery (arteries), subclavian, right|右鎖骨下動脈 Artery (arteries), thyroid, inferior, esophageal branch|食道枝 Bone(s), rib(s), 1st|訳語 Cupula, of pleura, cervical|胸膜頂 Diaphragm|横隔膜 Diaphragm, costal part of|横隔膜の肋骨部 Disc, intervertebral|椎間円板 Duct(s), thoracic|胸管 Dura mater|硬膜 Esophagus|食道 Fascia(e), thoracolumbar, anterior layer of|胸腰腱膜の前葉 Ganglion (Ganglia), spinal|脊髄神経節(後根神経節) Ganglion (Ganglia), splanchnic|(非)内蔵神経神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), sympathetic|交感神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), sympathetic trunk|交感神経幹神経節 Ligament(s), supraspinal|棘上靭帯 Ligamentum flavum|黄色靭帯 Lung(s), margin of, inferior, left lung|肺の下縁 Lung(s), margin of, inferior, right lung|訳語 Lymph nodes, mediastinal|縦隔のリンパ節 Mediastinum|縦隔 Mediastinum, posterior|後縦隔 Muscle(s), external oblique|外腹斜筋 Muscle(s), intercostal|肋間筋 Muscle(s), intercostal, external|外肋間筋 Muscle(s), intertransversarii|横突間筋 Muscle(s), oblique, external|外腹斜筋 Muscle(s), quadratus lumborum|腰方形筋 Nerve(s), cardiac, cervical, superior|上(頚)心臓神経 Nerve(s), cardiac, middle|中(頚)心臓神経 Nerve(s), intercostal, ramus of, anterior primary|脊髄神経前枝 Nerve(s), intercostal, ramus of, posterior primary|脊髄神経後枝 Nerve(s), laryngeal, recurrent, left|訳語 Nerve(s), laryngeal, recurrent, right|訳語 Nerve(s), splanchnic, greater|大内蔵神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, lesser|小内蔵神経 Nerve(s), subcostal|肋下神経 Nerve(s), vagus, cardiac branches|迷走神経の心臓枝 Nerve(s), vagus, recurrent laryngeal branch|反回神経 Nerve(s), vagus, right|右反回神経 Pleura|胸膜 Pleura, cupula of|胸膜頂 Pleura, costal|肋骨(を覆う)胸膜 Pleura, recess of, costodiaphragmatic|横隔縦隔洞 Pleura, vertebral|椎骨(を覆う)胸膜 Plexus, aortic|大動脈(周囲)神経叢 Plexus, pulmonary|肺神経叢 Rami communicantes|交通枝 Recess, costodiaphragmatic|横隔縦隔洞 Recess, mediastinovertebral|後縦隔と脊柱の間の陥凹 Spinal cord|脊髄 Sympathetic trunk ganglia|交感神経幹の神経節 Trachea|気管 Trunk, brachiocephalic|腕頭動脈 Trunk, lymphatic, bronchomediastinal|気管支縦隔リンパ本幹 Trunk, sympathetic|交感神経幹 Vein(s), azygos|奇静脈 Vein(s), hemiazygos|半奇静脈 Vein(s), hemiazygos, accessory|副半奇静脈 Vein(s), lumbar, ascending|上行腰静脈 Vena cava, superior|上大静脈 Vertebra(e), cervical, process of, spinous|棘突起 Vertebra(e), lumbar, process of, spinous|棘突起 Vertebra(e), lumbar, process of, transverse|横突起 Vertebra(e), thoracic, lamina of|椎弓 Vertebra(e), thoracic, process of, transverse|横突起
Fig. 230: The Diaphragm : Its Openings, Blood Vessels and Nerves Viewed From Above
    Aorta, descending|下行大動脈 Artery (arteries), epigastric, superior|上腹壁動脈 Artery (arteries), intercostal|肋間動脈 Artery (arteries), musculophrenic|筋横隔動脈 Artery (arteries), pericardiacophrenic|心膜横隔動脈 Artery (arteries), phrenic, superior|上横隔動脈 Bone(s), sternum, process of, xiphoid|剣状突起 Canal(s), vertebral, spinal cord within, lateral, dorsal view|脊柱管 Crus (Crura), of diaphragm|横隔膜脚 Diaphragm|横隔膜 Diaphragm, costal part of|横隔膜の肋骨部 Diaphragm, crus of|横隔膜脚 Diaphragm, sternal part of|横隔膜の胸骨部 Diaphragm, tendon of, central|横隔膜の腱中心 Duct(s), thoracic|胸管 Esophagus|食道 Esophagus, hiatus of|食道裂孔 Fascia(e), endothoracic|胸内筋膜、(一般)横筋筋膜 Fascia(e), thoracolumbar|胸腰腱膜 Hiatus, esophageal|食道裂孔 Lymph nodes, infracardiac|訳語 Muscle(s), intercostal|肋間筋 Muscle(s), psoas major|大腰筋 Muscle(s), quadratus lumborum|腰方形筋 Muscle(s), rectus abdominis|腹直筋 Nerve(s), intercostal|肋間神経 Nerve(s), phrenic, left|訳語 Nerve(s), phrenic, right|訳語 Nerve(s), splanchnic, greater|大内蔵神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, lesser|小内蔵神経 Nerve(s), vagus, esophageal branches|迷走神経の食道枝 Pleura, recess of, costodiaphragmatic|横隔縦隔洞 Recess, costodiaphragmatic|横隔縦隔洞 Spinal cord, within vertebral, canal|脊柱管の中の Tendon(s), central, of diaphragm|横隔膜の腱中心 Trunk, sympathetic|交感神経幹 Vein(s), azygos|奇静脈 Vein(s), hepatic|肝の静脈 Vein(s), intercostal|肋間静脈 Vein(s), phrenic, superior|上横隔静脈 Vena cava, inferior|下大静脈 Vertebra(e), body of|椎体 Vertebra(e), lumbar, body of|椎体 Vertebra(e), lumbar, process of, spinous|棘突起 Vertebra(e), lumbar, 1st|第1腰椎 Xiphoid process, of sternum|胸骨の剣状突起
Fig. 299: Transverse Section Through the Upper Abdominal at the Level of the Tenth Thoracic Vertebra
    Abdomen|腹部 Abdomen, section of, transverse, at T-10|第10胸椎レベルの横断 Aorta, descending|下行大動脈 Aperture, vena caval, in diaphragm|大静脈孔 Artery (arteries), intercostal|肋間動脈 Bone(s), rib(s), 10th|訳語 Bone(s), rib(s), head of, ligaments of|肋骨頭の靭帯 Bone(s), rib(s), neck of, ligaments of|訳語 Bone(s), sternum, process of, xiphoid|剣状突起 Cavity, pericardial|心膜腔 Cavity, peritoneal|腹膜腔 Cavity, pleural|胸膜腔 Crus (Crura), of diaphragm|横隔膜脚 Diaphragm|横隔膜 Diaphragm, crus of|横隔膜脚 Diaphragm, crus of, left|左横隔膜脚 Diaphragm, fascia of, inferior|下横隔膜筋膜 Diaphragm, sternal part of|横隔膜の胸骨部 Diaphragm, vena caval aperture in|大静脈孔 Duct(s), thoracic|胸管 Esophagus|食道 Esophagus, part of, abdominal|腹部食道 Fascia(e), diaphragmatic, inferior|下横隔筋膜、(一般)横筋筋膜 Fascia(e), endothoracic|胸内筋膜、(一般)横筋筋膜 Fascia(e), inferior, of diaphragm|下横隔筋膜 Ganglion (Ganglia), sympathetic trunk|交感神経幹神経節 Ligament(s), coronary, of liver|肝の冠状靭帯 Ligament(s), falciform|肝鎌状間膜 Ligament(s), gastrophrenic|胃横隔間膜 Ligament(s), hepatogastric|肝胃間膜 Ligament(s), of rib, head and neck of|訳語 Ligamentum venosum|静脈管索 Liver|肝 Liver, bare area of|肝無漿膜野 Liver|肝 Liver, ligament of, coronary|肝冠状間膜 Liver, ligament of, falciform|肝鎌状間膜 Liver, lobe of, caudate|肝の尾状葉 Liver, lobe of, left|解剖学的肝左葉 Liver, lobe of, right|解剖学的肝右葉 Liver, margin of, anterior|肝の前線 Liver|肝 Lung(s)|肺 Lung(s), left|左肺 Lung(s), margin of, inferior, left lung|肺の下縁 Lung(s), margin of, inferior, right lung|訳語 Lymph nodes, mediastinal, posterior|後縦隔リンパ節 Membrane, phrenicoesophageal|横隔食道膜 Mucosa, of stomach|胃の粘膜 Muscle(s), intercostal, external|外肋間筋 Muscle(s), intercostal, internal|内肋間筋 Muscle(s), transversus thoracis|胸横筋 Nerve(s), intercostal|肋間神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, greater|大内蔵神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, lesser|小内蔵神経 Omentum, greater|大網 Orifice, cardiac, of stomach|噴門 Pericardial cavity|心膜腔 Peritoneal cavity|腹膜腔 Peritoneum, parietal|壁側腹膜 Peritoneum, visceral|臓側腹膜 Pleura, costal|肋骨(を覆う)胸膜 Pleura, diaphragmatic|横隔(膜を覆う)胸膜 Pleura, recess of, costodiaphragmatic|横隔縦隔洞 Pleura, recess of, costomediastinal|肋骨縦隔洞 Pleura, visceral|臓側胸膜 Pleural, cavity|胸膜腔 Recess, costodiaphragmatic|横隔縦隔洞 Recess, costomediastinal|肋骨縦隔洞 Spleen|脾臓 Stomach|胃 Stomach, cardiac orifice of|胃の噴門 Stomach, mucosa of|胃の粘膜 Stomach, wall of, layers of|訳語 Sympathetic trunk ganglia|交感神経幹の神経節 Trunk, sympathetic|交感神経幹 Vein(s), azygos|奇静脈 Vein(s), hepatic|肝の静脈 Vein(s), intercostal|肋間静脈 Vein(s), portal|門脈 Vein(s), portal, branches of|訳語 Vena cava, inferior|下大静脈 Vena caval aperture, in diaphragm|大静脈孔 Vessels, intercostal|肋間動静脈 Xiphoid process, of sternum|胸骨の剣状突起