Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 217: The Relationship or the Esophagus to the Aorta and Trachea, Viewed from Right Side
    Aorta, arch of|大動脈弓 Aorta, thoracic|胸大動脈 Artery (arteries), brachiocephalic|腕頭動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, common, left|左総頚動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, common, right|右総頚動脈 Artery (arteries), intercostal|肋間動脈 Artery (arteries), subclavian, right|右鎖骨下動脈 Bone(s), hyoid|舌骨 Bronchus (Bronchi), primary, right|右 Cartilage(s), thyroid, lamina of|訳語 Cartilage(s), tracheal|気管軟骨 Esophagus|食道 Esophagus, part of, cervical|頚部食道 Esophagus, part of, thoracic|胸部食道 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Gland(s), thyroid, isthmus of|甲状腺の峡 Isthmus, of thyroid gland|甲状腺の峡部 Ligamentum arteriosum|動脈管索、ボタロ管索 Membrane, thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨膜 Muscle(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior, internal branch|内枝
Fig. 228: The Cervical and Upper Thoracic Distribution of Autonomic Nerves
    Ansa subclavia, strand of, deep|(非)鎖骨下ワナの深束 Ansa subclavia, strand of, superficial|(非)鎖骨下ワナの浅束 Artery (arteries), brachiocephalic|腕頭動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, common|総頚動脈 Bronchus (Bronchi), lobar, right|右肺葉気管支 Bronchus (Bronchi), primary, right|右 Cartilage(s), thyroid|甲状軟骨 Esophagus|食道 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, inferior|下頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, middle|中頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), sympathetic, thoracic|胸部の交感神経節 Lung(s)|肺 Lung(s), right|右肺 Muscle(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Nerve(s), cardiac, middle|中(頚)心臓神経 Nerve(s), cervical|頚神経 Nerve(s), intercostal|肋間神経 Nerve(s), laryngeal, recurrent|反回神経 Nerve(s), phrenic|横隔神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, greater|大内蔵神経 Nerve(s), thoracic|胸神経 Nerve(s), vagus|迷走神経 Nerve(s), vagus, bronchial branches|迷走神経の気管支枝 Nerve(s), vagus, cardiac branches|迷走神経の心臓枝 Nerve(s), vagus, right|右反回神経 Nerve(s), vagus, tracheal branches|迷走神経の気管枝 Plexus, brachial|腕神経叢 Vein(s), pulmonary|肺静脈 Vena cava, superior|上大静脈 Vertebra(e), body of|椎体 Vertebral column|脊柱
Fig. 576: The Anterior and Posterior Triangles of the Neck
    Acromion|扁峰 Artery (arteries), carotid, common|総頚動脈 Bone(s), clavicle|鎖骨 Bone(s), hyoid|舌骨 Bone(s), scapula, acromion of|肩峰 Bulb, inferior, of internal jugular vein|頚静脈下球 Duct(s), parotid|耳下腺管 Fat pad, buccal|頬脂肪体 Gland(s), parotid|耳下腺 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Laryngeal prominence|喉頭隆起 Ligament(s), interclavicular|訳語 Ligament(s), palpebral, medial|内側眼瞼靭帯 Muscle(s), auricular, anterior|前耳介筋 Muscle(s), auricular, posterior|後耳介筋 Muscle(s), buccinator|頬筋 Muscle(s), deltoid|三角筋 Muscle(s), depressor anguli oris|口角下制筋 Muscle(s), depressor labii inferioris|下唇下制筋 Muscle(s), digastric, anterior belly of|前腹 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), epicranius|(非)頭皮筋 Muscle(s), hyoglossus|舌骨舌筋 Muscle(s), levator anguli oris|口角挙筋 Muscle(s), levator labii superioris|上唇挙筋 Muscle(s), levator labii superioris alaeque nasi|上唇鼻翼挙筋 Muscle(s), levator scapulae|肩甲挙筋 Muscle(s), masseter|咬筋 Muscle(s), mentalis|オトガイ筋 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋 Muscle(s), nasalis|鼻筋 Muscle(s), occipitofrontalis|後頭前頭筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), omohyoid, belly of, inferior|下腹 Muscle(s), omohyoid, belly of, superior|上腹 Muscle(s), orbicularis oculi|眼輪筋 Muscle(s), orbicularis oris|口輪筋 Muscle(s), pectoralis major|大胸筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), scalenus anterior|前斜角筋 Muscle(s), scalenus medius|中斜角筋 Muscle(s), semispinalis capitis|頭半棘筋 Muscle(s), splenius capitis|頭板状筋 Muscle(s), sternocleidomastoid|胸鎖乳突筋 Muscle(s), sternohyoid|胸骨舌骨筋 Muscle(s), sternothyroid|胸骨甲状筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), temporoparietalis|側頭頭頂筋 Muscle(s), thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨筋 Muscle(s), trapezius|僧帽筋 Muscle(s), triangularis|訳語 Muscle(s), zygomaticus major|大頬骨筋 Muscle(s), zygomaticus minor|小頬骨筋 Neck|頚(くび) Neck, triangles of|頚部の三角 Plexus, brachial|腕神経叢 Prominence, laryngeal|喉頭隆起 Triangle(s), of neck|頚の三角 Vein(s), cephalic|橈側皮静脈 Vein(s), jugular, internal|内頚静脈 Vein(s), jugular, internal, bulb of|頚静脈球
Fig. 582: Nerves and Blood Vessels of the Neck, Stage 6: the Brachial Plexus
    Ansa cervicalis|頚神経ワナ Artery (arteries), axillary|腋窩動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, common|総頚動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, external|外頚動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, internal|内頚動脈 Artery (arteries), cervical, ascending|上行頚動脈 Artery (arteries), cervical, superficial|頚部皮下の動脈 Artery (arteries), cervical, transverse, superficial branch|浅枝 Artery (arteries), facial|顔面動脈 Artery (arteries), occipital|後頭動脈 Artery (arteries), occipital, mastoid branch|乳突枝 Artery (arteries), subclavian|鎖骨下動脈 Artery (arteries), submental|オトガイ下動脈 Artery (arteries), suprascapular|肩甲上動脈 Artery (arteries), thoracic, internal|内胸動脈 Artery (arteries), thoracoacromial|胸肩峰動脈 Artery (arteries), thoracoacromial, acromial branch|肩峰枝 Artery (arteries), thyroid, inferior|下甲状腺動脈 Artery (arteries), thyroid, superior|上甲状腺動脈 Artery (arteries), vertebral|椎骨動脈 Bone(s), clavicle|鎖骨 Bone(s), rib(s), 1st|訳語 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, middle|中頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, superior|上頚神経節 Muscle(s), deltoid|三角筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), omohyoid|肩甲舌骨筋 Muscle(s), pectoralis major|大胸筋 Muscle(s), pectoralis minor|小胸筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), scalenus anterior|前斜角筋 Muscle(s), sternohyoid|胸骨舌骨筋 Muscle(s), sternothyroid|胸骨甲状筋 Neck|頚(くび) Neck, arteries of|頚部の動脈 Neck, nerves of|頚部の神経 Nerve(s), accessory|副神経 Nerve(s), cardiac, cervical, superior|上(頚)心臓神経 Nerve(s), cardiac, middle|中(頚)心臓神経 Nerve(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経 Nerve(s), intercostobrachial|肋間上腕皮神経 Nerve(s), laryngeal, recurrent|反回神経 Nerve(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋神経 Nerve(s), occipital, greater|大後頭神経 Nerve(s), occipital, lesser|小後頭神経 Nerve(s), pectoral|胸筋神経 Nerve(s), phrenic|横隔神経 Nerve(s), suprascapular|肩甲上神経 Nerve(s), thoracic, long|長胸神経 《胸神経枝ではない》 Nerve(s), thoracodorsal|胸背神経 Nerve(s), vagus|迷走神経 Nerve(s), vagus, cardiac branches|迷走神経の心臓枝 Nerve(s), vagus, right|右反回神経 Plexus, brachial|腕神経叢 Trachea|気管 Trunk, thyrocervical|甲状頚動脈 Vein(s), axillary|腋窩静脈 Vein(s), brachiocephalic, left|腕頭静脈 Vein(s), cephalic|橈側皮静脈 Vein(s), jugular, external|外頚静脈 Vein(s), jugular, internal|内頚静脈 Vein(s), thoracoepigastric|胸腹壁静脈 Vein(s), thyroid, inferior|下甲状腺静脈 Vein(s), thyroid, superior|上甲状腺静脈 Vein(s), vertebral|椎骨の静脈 Vessels, thoracic, lateral|外側胸動静脈
Fig. 590: Dorsal View of Thyroid Gland Showing Relation to Pharynx and Parathyroids
    Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|舌骨大角 Esophagus|食道 Esophagus, muscle deficient region|食道壁の脆弱部 Gland(s), parathyroid|副甲状腺 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, middle|中咽頭収縮筋 Raphe, pharyngeal|咽頭縫線 Trachea|気管
Fig. 597: The Left Submandibular Triangle and Submandibular Gland(Viewed from Below)
    Artery (arteries), facial|顔面動脈 Artery (arteries), submental|オトガイ下動脈 Artery (arteries), thyroid, superior|上甲状腺動脈 Fascia(e), cervical, angular band of|訳語 Fascia(e), cervical, submandibular|訳語 Fascia(e), masseteric|咬筋筋膜 Gland(s), parotid|耳下腺 Gland(s), submandibular|顎下腺 Lymph nodes, submandibular|顎下リンパ節 Muscle(s), depressor anguli oris|口角下制筋 Muscle(s), digastric, anterior belly of|前腹 Muscle(s), masseter|咬筋 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), omohyoid|肩甲舌骨筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), platysma|広頚筋 Muscle(s), sternohyoid|胸骨舌骨筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨筋 Nerve(s), facial, cervical branch|頚枝《顔面神経の枝》 Nerve(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Nerve(s), thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨筋の神経 Triangle(s), submandibular|顎下三角 Vein(s), facial|顔面静脈 Vein(s), jugular, external|外頚静脈 Vein(s), thyroid, superior|上甲状腺静脈 Vessels, laryngeal, superior|上喉頭動静脈
Fig. 608: The Temporalis and Buccinator Muscles
    Arch(es), zygomatic|頬骨弓 Artery (arteries), carotid, common|総頚動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, external|外頚動脈 Articular capsule, temporomandibular|顎関節の関節包 Bone(s), hyoid|舌骨 Bone(s), mandible, ramus of|下顎枝 Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Cartilage(s), of acoustic meatus, external|外耳道軟骨 Duct(s), parotid|耳下腺管 Galea aponeurotica|帽状腱膜 Joint(s), temporomandibular, capsule of, articular|訳語 Meatus, acoustic, cartilage of|外耳道の軟骨 Muscle(s), buccinator|頬筋 Muscle(s), corrugator supercilii|皺眉(すうび)筋 Muscle(s), depressor anguli oris|口角下制筋 Muscle(s), depressor labii inferioris|下唇下制筋 Muscle(s), depressor supercilii|(非)眉下制筋 Muscle(s), digastric, anterior belly of|前腹 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), levator anguli oris|口角挙筋 Muscle(s), levator labii superioris|上唇挙筋 Muscle(s), levator labii superioris alaeque nasi|上唇鼻翼挙筋 Muscle(s), levator scapulae|肩甲挙筋 Muscle(s), masseter|咬筋 Muscle(s), mentalis|オトガイ筋 Muscle(s), nasalis|鼻筋 Muscle(s), occipitofrontalis|後頭前頭筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), omohyoid|肩甲舌骨筋 Muscle(s), orbicularis oculi|眼輪筋 Muscle(s), orbicularis oris|口輪筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), platysma|広頚筋 Muscle(s), scalenus anterior|前斜角筋 Muscle(s), scalenus medius|中斜角筋 Muscle(s), scalenus posterior|後斜角筋 Muscle(s), semispinalis capitis|頭半棘筋 Muscle(s), splenius capitis|頭板状筋 Muscle(s), sternocleidomastoid|胸鎖乳突筋 Muscle(s), sternohyoid|胸骨舌骨筋 Muscle(s), sternothyroid|胸骨甲状筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), temporalis|側頭筋 Muscle(s), thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨筋 Muscle(s), trapezius|僧帽筋 Nerve(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経 Nerve(s), infraorbital|眼窩下神経 Nerve(s), vagus|迷走神経 Periosteum|骨膜 Plexus, brachial|腕神経叢 Ramus (Rami), of mandible|下顎枝 Vein(s), jugular, internal|内頚静脈 Zygomatic arch|頬骨弓
Fig. 741: Extrinsic Muscles of the Tongue (seen from Below)
    Artery (arteries), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭動脈 Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|舌骨大角 Bursa(e), subhyoid|訳語 Ligament(s), thyrohyoid, medial|訳語 Mucous membrane, of tongue|舌の粘膜 Muscle(s), chondroglossus|(非)小角舌筋 Muscle(s), extrinsic, of tongue|外舌筋 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ舌筋 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ舌骨筋 Muscle(s), hyoglossus|舌骨舌筋 Muscle(s), longitudinal, of tongue|縦舌筋(内舌筋) Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), omohyoid|肩甲舌骨筋 Muscle(s), palatoglossus|口蓋舌筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, middle|中咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), sternohyoid|胸骨舌骨筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Muscle(s), thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨筋 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Plica fimbriata|采状ヒダ Septum (Septa), of tongue|舌の中隔 Tongue, apex of|舌尖 Tongue, membrane of, mucous|訳語 Tongue, muscles of, extrinsic|外舌筋 Tongue, septum of|訳語 Vein(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭静脈
Fig. 744: The Extrinsic Tongue Muscles: the External Larynx and Pharynx (Lateral View 1)
    Artery (arteries), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭動脈 Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|舌骨大角 Bone(s), mandible|下顎骨 Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Cartilage(s), thyroid|甲状軟骨 Cartilage(s), thyroid, tubercle of, inferior|訳語 Cartilage(s), tracheal|気管軟骨 Dura mater|硬膜 Esophagus|食道 Fissure, antitragohelicine|訳語 Larynx, external, lateral view|訳語 Ligament(s), cricotracheal|訳語 Ligament(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨靭帯 Membrane, thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨膜 Mucosa, oral|口腔の粘膜 Muscle(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状筋 Muscle(s), extrinsic, of tongue|外舌筋 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ舌筋 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ舌骨筋 Muscle(s), hyoglossus|舌骨舌筋 Muscle(s), longitudinal, of tongue|縦舌筋(内舌筋) Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), palatoglossus|口蓋舌筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, middle|中咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋 Muscle(s), thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨筋 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Oral cavity, mucosa of|口腔粘膜 Pharynx|咽頭 Tongue, apex of|舌尖 Tongue, muscles of, extrinsic|外舌筋 Tonsil(s), palatine|口蓋扁桃 Trachea|気管 Tubercle, thyroid, inferior|訳語 Vein(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭静脈
Fig. 745: The Extrinsic Tongue Muscles: the External Larynx and Pharynx (Lateral View 2)
    Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, lesser|舌骨小角 Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Cartilage(s), cricoid, origin of|訳語 Cartilage(s), thyroid|甲状軟骨 Cartilage(s), thyroid, origin of|訳語 Cartilage(s), thyroid, tubercle of, inferior|訳語 Cartilage(s), tracheal|気管軟骨 Esophagus|食道 Larynx, external, lateral view|訳語 Ligament(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨靭帯 Ligament(s), thyrohyoid, median|訳語 Membrane, thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨膜 Muscle(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状筋 Muscle(s), extrinsic, of tongue|外舌筋 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ舌筋 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ舌骨筋 Muscle(s), hyoglossus|舌骨舌筋 Muscle(s), longitudinal, of tongue|縦舌筋(内舌筋) Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), palatoglossus|口蓋舌筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, middle|中咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋 Muscle(s), thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨筋 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Pharynx|咽頭 Root(s), of tongue|舌根 Tongue, muscles of, extrinsic|外舌筋 Tongue, root of|舌根 Tonsil(s), palatine|口蓋扁桃 Tubercle, thyroid, inferior|訳語
Fig. 748: The Oropharyngeal Muscles (Lateral View)
    Arch(es), zygomatic|頬骨弓 Artery (arteries), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭動脈 Articular capsule, temporomandibular|顎関節の関節包 Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|舌骨大角 Bone(s), temporal, process of, mastoid|乳様突起 Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Cartilage(s), thyroid|甲状軟骨 Cartilage(s), tracheal|気管軟骨 Duct(s), parotid|耳下腺管 Esophagus|食道 Fascia(e), pharyngobasilar|咽頭頭底板 Hamulus, pterygoid|翼突鈎 Joint(s), temporomandibular, capsule of, articular|訳語 Ligament(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨靭帯 Mastoid process, of temporal bone|訳語 Meatus, acoustic, external|外耳道 Muscle(s), buccinator|頬筋 Muscle(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状筋 Muscle(s), depressor anguli oris|口角下制筋 Muscle(s), digastric, anterior belly of|前腹 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), levator anguli oris|口角挙筋 Muscle(s), levator labii superioris|上唇挙筋 Muscle(s), levator labii superioris alaeque nasi|上唇鼻翼挙筋 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), mentalis|オトガイ筋 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋 Muscle(s), nasalis|鼻筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), omohyoid|肩甲舌骨筋 Muscle(s), orbicularis oris|口輪筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, middle|中咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), platysma|広頚筋 Muscle(s), procerus|鼻根筋 Muscle(s), sternohyoid|胸骨舌骨筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋 Muscle(s), tensor veli palatini|口蓋帆張筋 Muscle(s), thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨筋 Muscle(s), zygomaticus major|大頬骨筋 Muscle(s), zygomaticus minor|小頬骨筋 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Occipital condyle|後頭顆 Pterygoid plate|翼状突起の外側板又は内側板 Raphe, pterygomandibular|翼突下顎縫線 Vein(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭静脈
Fig. 749: Diagram of the Origins of the Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscles
    Bone(s), temporal, part of, petrous|岩様部 Muscle(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, middle|中咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋
Fig. 753: Muscles of the Soft Palate, Pharynx and Posterior Larynx
    Aryepiglottic fold|披裂喉頭蓋ヒダ Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|舌骨大角 Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Cartilage(s), corniculate, tubercle of|小角結節 Cartilage(s), cuneiform|楔状軟骨 Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Cartilage(s), thyroid, horn of, superior|上角 Cartilage(s), tracheal|気管軟骨 Epiglottis|喉頭蓋 Esophagus|食道 Fascia(e), pharyngobasilar|咽頭頭底板 Fold(s), aryepiglottic|披裂喉頭蓋ヒダ Fold(s), pharyngoepiglottic|訳語 Foramen cecum|(内頭蓋底の)盲孔 Gland(s), parathyroid|副甲状腺 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Larynx, entrance into|訳語 Ligament(s), sphenomandibular|蝶下顎靭帯 Muscle(s), aryepiglottic|披裂喉頭蓋筋 Muscle(s), arytenoid, oblique|斜披裂筋 Muscle(s), arytenoid, transverse|横披裂筋 Muscle(s), cricoarytenoid, posterior|後輪状披裂筋 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), of larynx|喉頭の筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), of soft palate|軟口蓋の筋 Muscle(s), of uvula|口蓋垂の筋 Muscle(s), palatopharyngeus|口蓋咽頭筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngoepiglottic|咽頭喉頭蓋筋 Muscle(s), pterygoid, medial|内側翼突筋 Muscle(s), salpingopharyngeus|耳管咽頭筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋 Muscle(s), tensor veli palatini|口蓋帆張筋 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Nose, septum of|鼻中隔の骨格 Papilla(e), vallate|(舌の)有郭乳頭 Pharyngoepiglottic fold|咽頭後頭蓋ヒダ Piriform recess|梨状陥凹 Recess, piriform|梨状陥凹 Root(s), of tongue|舌根 Septum (Septa), nasal|鼻中隔 Sulcus terminalis, of tongue|舌の分界溝 Synchondrosis, petro-occipital|訳語 Tendon(s), cricoesophageal|(非)輪状食道腱膜 Tendon(s), of tensor veli palatini muscle|口蓋帆張筋の腱 Tongue, dorsum of|舌背 Tongue, root of|舌根 Tonsil(s), lingual|舌扁桃 Tonsil(s), palatine|口蓋扁桃 Tonsil(s), pharyngeal|咽頭扁桃 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨 Tube, auditory, openings of|耳管咽頭口 Tubercle, corniculate|小角結節 Uvula, of soft palate|口蓋垂 Vallate papillae|有郭乳頭 Vessels, laryngeal, superior|上喉頭動静脈
Fig. 754: Nerves and Vessels on the Dorsal and Lateral Walls of the Pharynx
    Artery (arteries), carotid, common|総頚動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, external|外頚動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, internal|内頚動脈 Artery (arteries), facial|顔面動脈 Artery (arteries), lingual|舌動脈 Artery (arteries), meningeal, posterior|後硬膜動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, ascending|上行口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), pharyngeal, ascending|上行咽頭動脈 Artery (arteries), thyroid, inferior|下甲状腺動脈 Artery (arteries), thyroid, superior|上甲状腺動脈 Artery (arteries), tympanic, inferior|下鼓室動脈 Bone(s), mandible, ramus of|下顎枝 Bone(s), temporal|側頭骨 Bone(s), temporal, process of, mastoid|乳様突起 Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Bulb, inferior, of internal jugular vein|頚静脈下球 Esophagus|食道 Foramen (Foramina), jugular|頚静脈孔 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, inferior|下頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, middle|中頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, superior|上頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), inferior, of vagus nerve|迷走神経の下神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), superior, of vagus nerve|迷走神経の上神経節 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Mastoid process, of temporal bone|訳語 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, middle|中咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋 Nerve(s), accessory|副神経 Nerve(s), cardiac, cervical, superior|上(頚)心臓神経 Nerve(s), cardiac, middle|中(頚)心臓神経 Nerve(s), carotid, internal|内頚動脈神経(叢) Nerve(s), glossopharyngeal|舌咽神経 Nerve(s), glossopharyngeal, pharyngeal branch|咽頭枝 Nerve(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経 Nerve(s), jugular|訳語 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior, external branch|外枝 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior, internal branch|内枝 Nerve(s), vagus|迷走神経 Nerve(s), vagus, cardiac branches|迷走神経の心臓枝 Nerve(s), vagus, pharyngeal branch|迷走神経の咽頭枝 Pharynx, vessels and nerves of|訳語 Plexus, carotid|内頚動脈神経叢 Plexus, pharyngeal|咽頭神経叢 Ramus (Rami), of mandible|下顎枝 Sinus(es), transverse, of pharynx|訳語 Trunk, sympathetic|交感神経幹 Vein(s), jugular, internal|内頚静脈 Vein(s), jugular, internal, bulb of|頚静脈球 Vein(s), pharyngeal|咽頭の静脈 Vessels, pharyngeal|咽頭の動静脈
Fig. 755: Posterior View of Cervical Viscera: Muscles, Vessels and Nerves
    Ansa subclavia|交感神経幹の鎖骨下ワナ Aorta, arch of|大動脈弓 Arch(es), palatopharyngeal|口蓋咽頭弓、(臨)後口蓋弓 Artery (arteries), carotid, internal|内頚動脈 Artery (arteries), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭動脈 Artery (arteries), occipital|後頭動脈 Artery (arteries), subclavian, left|左鎖骨下動脈 Artery (arteries), subclavian, right|右鎖骨下動脈 Artery (arteries), thyroid, inferior|下甲状腺動脈 Aryepiglottic fold|披裂喉頭蓋ヒダ Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|舌骨大角 Bone(s), temporal, process of, mastoid|乳様突起 Bulb, inferior, of internal jugular vein|頚静脈下球 Cartilage(s), corniculate, tubercle of|小角結節 Epiglottis|喉頭蓋 Fascia(e), pharyngobasilar|咽頭頭底板 Fold(s), aryepiglottic|披裂喉頭蓋ヒダ Fold(s), pharyngoepiglottic|訳語 Fold(s), salpingopharyngeal|耳管咽頭ヒダ Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, inferior|下頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, middle|中頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, superior|上頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), inferior, of vagus nerve|迷走神経の下神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), sympathetic, thoracic|胸部の交感神経節 Gland(s), parathyroid|副甲状腺 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Gland(s), tracheal|気管腺 Interarytenoid notch|訳語 Mastoid process, of temporal bone|訳語 Muscle(s), aryepiglottic|披裂喉頭蓋筋 Muscle(s), arytenoid, oblique|斜披裂筋 Muscle(s), arytenoid, transverse|横披裂筋 Muscle(s), cricoarytenoid, posterior|後輪状披裂筋 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), esophageal, circular|(食道の)輪状筋 Muscle(s), esophageal, longitudinal|(食道の)縦走筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), palatopharyngeus|口蓋咽頭筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngoepiglottic|咽頭喉頭蓋筋 Muscle(s), salpingopharyngeus|耳管咽頭筋 Muscle(s), tensor veli palatini|口蓋帆張筋 Nerve(s), accessory|副神経 Nerve(s), cervical, view of, posterior|訳語 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Nerve(s), glossopharyngeal|舌咽神経 Nerve(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経 Nerve(s), laryngeal, recurrent, left|訳語 Nerve(s), laryngeal, recurrent, right|訳語 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Nerve(s), vagus|迷走神経 Nerve(s), vagus, cardiac branches|迷走神経の心臓枝 Nerve(s), vagus, left|訳語 Nerve(s), vagus, right|右反回神経 Nerve(s), vagus, superior ganglion of|迷走神経の上神経節 Notch, interarytenoid|訳語 Palatopharyngeal arch|口蓋咽頭弓 Papilla(e), vallate|(舌の)有郭乳頭 Pharyngoepiglottic fold|咽頭後頭蓋ヒダ Piriform recess|梨状陥凹 Plexus, carotid|内頚動脈神経叢 Recess, piriform|梨状陥凹 Root(s), of tongue|舌根 Salpingopharyngeal fold|耳管咽頭ヒダ Tongue, root of|舌根 Tonsil(s), palatine|口蓋扁桃 Tonsil(s), pharyngeal|咽頭扁桃 Torus tubarius|耳管隆起 Trachea|気管 Trunk, brachiocephalic|腕頭動脈 Trunk, sympathetic|交感神経幹 Trunk, thyrocervical|甲状頚動脈 Tubercle, corniculate|小角結節 Tubercle, cuneiform|楔状結節 Uvula, of soft palate|口蓋垂 Vallate papillae|有郭乳頭 Vein(s), brachiocephalic, left|腕頭静脈 Vein(s), brachiocephalic, right|訳語 Vein(s), jugular, internal|内頚静脈 Vein(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭静脈 Vein(s), subclavian, left|訳語 Vein(s), subclavian, right|訳語 Vena cava, superior|上大静脈