Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 274: The Spleen, Visceral Surface
    Abdomen|腹部 Fold(s), gastropancreatic|胃膵ヒダ Hilum, of spleen|脾門 Ligament(s), coronary, of liver|肝の冠状靭帯 Ligament(s), gastrosplenic|胃脾間膜 Liver, ligament of, coronary|肝冠状間膜 Spleen, extremity of, anterior|脾臓の前端 Spleen, extremity of, posterior|脾臓の後端 Spleen, hilum of|脾門 Spleen, impression on, gastric|脾臓の胃による圧痕 Spleen, impression on, renal|脾臓の腎による圧痕 Spleen, margin of, inferior|脾臓の下縁 Spleen, margin of, superior|脾臓の上縁 Spleen, surface of, visceral|臓側面 Vein(s), splenic|脾静脈