Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 277: The Omental Bursa and Structures of the Stomach Bed
    Abdomen|腹部 Artery (arteries), colic, middle|中結腸動脈 Artery (arteries), gastric, left|左胃動脈 Artery (arteries), hepatic, proper|固有肝動脈 Bursa(e), omental|網嚢 Bursa(e), omental, vestibule of|網嚢前庭 Colon, ascending|上行結腸 Colon, transverse|横行結腸 Duodenum, 1st part (superior)|第一部(上部) Fold(s), gastropancreatic|胃膵ヒダ Fold(s), peritoneal|腹膜のヒダ Gland(s), suprarenal|副腎 Hilum, of spleen|脾門 Ligament(s), duodenocolic|十二指腸結腸間膜 Ligament(s), gastrosplenic|胃脾間膜 Ligament(s), hepatoduodenal|肝十二指腸間膜 Ligament(s), lienorenal|載脾靭帯、脾腎間膜 Ligament(s), phrenicocolic|脾結腸間膜 Liver, lobe of, caudate|肝の尾状葉 Mesocolon, transverse|横行結腸間膜 Omentum, greater|大網 Pancreas, body of|膵体 Pancreas, tail of|膵尾 Pylorus|幽門、幽部 Spleen|脾臓 Spleen, hilum of|脾門 Stomach, bed of, structures of|胃床 Taenia libera|(結腸ヒモの)自由ヒモ Taenia, mesocolica|(結腸ヒモの)間膜ヒモ Taenia omentalis|(結腸ヒモの)大網ヒモ Tuber omentale|膵の小網隆起 Vein(s), colic, middle|中結腸静脈 Vein(s), gastric, left|左胃静脈 Vena cava, inferior|下大静脈 Vessels, splenic|脾動静脈