Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 285: Pancreas and Duodenum
    Abdomen|腹部 Aorta|大動脈 Aorta, hiatus of|大動脈裂孔 Artery (arteries), colic, middle|中結腸動脈 Artery (arteries), colic, right|右結腸動脈 Artery (arteries), gastric, left|左胃動脈 Artery (arteries), hepatic, common|総肝動脈 Artery (arteries), hepatic, proper|固有肝動脈 Artery (arteries), mesenteric, inferior|下腸間膜動脈 Artery (arteries), mesenteric, superior|上腸間膜動脈 Artery (arteries), ovarian, left|(左)卵巣動脈 Artery (arteries), renal|腎動脈 Artery (arteries), spermatic|精巣動脈 Artery (arteries), splenic|脾動脈 Diaphragm|横隔膜 Duct(s), cystic|胆嚢管 Duct(s), hepatic|肝管 Duodenum|十二指腸 Duodenum, 2nd part (descending)|第二部(下行部) Duodenum, 3rd part (horizontal)|第三部(水平部) Duodenum, pancreas and|膵十二指腸 Gland(s), suprarenal|副腎 Hiatus, aortic|大動脈裂孔 Jejunum|空腸 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Ligament(s), duodenal suspensory|トライツ靭帯(十二指腸提靭帯) Ligament(s), suspensory, duodenal|(解)十二指腸提靭帯 、(一般)トライツ靭帯 Ligament(s), Treitz's|トライツ靭帯 Muscle(s), psoas major|大腰筋 Muscle(s), quadratus lumborum|腰方形筋 Pancreas|膵臓 Pancreas, duodenum and|十二指腸と膵 Pancreas, head of|膵頭 Pancreas, tail of|膵尾 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Trunk, celiac|腹腔動脈 Ureter, left|訳語 Ureter, right|訳語 Vein(s), colic, middle|中結腸静脈 Vein(s), colic, right|右結腸静脈 Vein(s), coronary (of stomach)|噴門の冠状動脈 Vein(s), gastroduodenal|胃十二指腸静脈 Vein(s), mesenteric, inferior|下腸間膜静脈 Vein(s), mesenteric, superior|上腸間膜静脈 Vein(s), ovarian, right|訳語 Vein(s), portal|門脈 Vein(s), renal|腎静脈 Vein(s), small intestinal|小腸の静脈 Vein(s), spermatic|精巣の静脈 Vein(s), splenic|脾静脈 Vena cava, inferior|下大静脈
Fig. 320: Abdominal Cavity(14): Posterior Abdominal Retroperitoneal Structures in the Lumbar Region, Viewed from Behind
    Abdomen|腹部 Abdominal cavity|腹腔 Abdominal cavity, structures of, posterior abdomial retroperitoneal, in lumbar region|背部から見た後腹壁、後腹膜、腰部 Aorta|大動脈 Aorta, hiatus of|大動脈裂孔 Aponeurosis, lumbodorsal|腰背腱膜 Artery (arteries), colic|結腸の動脈 Artery (arteries), colic, left|左結腸動脈 Artery (arteries), iliac, common|総腸骨動脈 Artery (arteries), mesenteric, inferior|下腸間膜動脈 Artery (arteries), sacral, middle|正中仙骨動脈 Artery (arteries), suprarenal|副腎動脈 Artery (arteries), suprarenal, inferior|下副腎動脈 Artery (arteries), suprarenal, middle|中副腎動脈 Artery (arteries), testicular|精巣動脈 Bone(s), rib(s), 11th|訳語 Bone(s), rib(s), 12th|訳語 Bone(s), sacrum|仙骨 Cisterna chyli|乳び槽 Colon, ascending|上行結腸 Diaphragm|横隔膜 Diaphragm, lumbar part|横隔膜腰部 Duct(s), thoracic|胸管 Duodenum|十二指腸 Dura mater|硬膜 Fascia(e), subserous|腹膜下(腹膜外)結合組織 Fascia propria, subperitoneal|腹膜下結合組織 Fat, perirenal|腎脂肪被膜 Fold(s), umbilical, median|正中臍ヒダ Ganglion (Ganglia), celiac|腹腔神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), spinal, thoracic|胸髄の脊髄神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), sympathetic|交感神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), sympathetic, lumbar|腰部の交感神経節 Gland(s), suprarenal|副腎 Hiatus, aortic|大動脈裂孔 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, left|訳語 Kidney, right|訳語 Ligament(s), coronary, of liver|肝の冠状靭帯 Ligament(s), sacroiliac|仙腸靭帯 Liver, ligament of, coronary|肝冠状間膜 Lung(s)|肺 Lung(s), right|右肺 Muscle(s), external oblique|外腹斜筋 Muscle(s), iliocostalis lumborum|腰腸肋筋 Muscle(s), internal oblique|内腹斜筋 Muscle(s), longissimus thoracis|胸最長筋 Muscle(s), multifidus|多裂筋 Muscle(s), oblique, external|外腹斜筋 Muscle(s), oblique, internal|内腹斜筋 Muscle(s), psoas major|大腰筋 Nerve(s), cutaneous, femoral, lateral|外側大腿皮神経 Nerve(s), genitofemoral|陰部大腿神経 Nerve(s), lumbar|腰神経 Nerve(s), sacral|仙骨神経 Nerve(s), spinal, thoracic|胸神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, greater|大内蔵神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, lesser|小内蔵神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, lumbar|腰内蔵神経 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Pleura|胸膜 Pleura, costal|肋骨(を覆う)胸膜 Pleura, margin of, inferior|訳語 Plexus, lumbar|腰神経叢 Rami communicantes|交通枝 Triangle(s), lumbar|腰三角 Trunk, lymphatic, intestinal|腸リンパ本幹 Trunk, lymphatic, lumbar|腰リンパ本幹 Trunk, sympathetic|交感神経幹 Umbilical fold, median|正中臍ヒダ Ureter|尿管 Ureter, left|訳語 Vein(s), colic|結腸の静脈 Vein(s), iliolumbar|腸腰静脈 Vein(s), mesenteric, inferior|下腸間膜静脈 Vein(s), testicular|精巣静脈 Vena cava, inferior|下大静脈 Vertebra(e), thoracic, process of, spinous|棘突起 Vessels, colic, left|左結腸動静脈 Vessels, renal|腎動静脈 Vessels, testicular|精巣動静脈
Fig. 323: Left Kidney and Suprarenal Gland
    Abdomen|腹部 Artery (arteries), renal|腎動脈 Artery (arteries), suprarenal, inferior|下副腎動脈 Artery (arteries), suprarenal, middle|中副腎動脈 Artery (arteries), suprarenal, superior|上副腎動脈 Capsule, fibrous, of kidney|腎被膜 Gland(s), suprarenal|副腎 Hilum, renal|腎門 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, capsule of, fibrous|訳語 Kidney, cortex of, lobules of|訳語 Kidney, hilum of|腎門 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Renal hilum|腎門 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Vein(s), ovarian, left|訳語 Vein(s), renal|腎静脈 Vein(s), suprarenal|副腎の静脈 Vein(s), testicular, left|訳語
Fig. 325: Left Kidney: Frontal Section Through Renal Vessels
    Abdomen|腹部 Area cribrosa|篩骨篩板 Artery (arteries), arcuate, of kidney|腎の弓状動脈 Artery (arteries), renal|腎動脈 Calyx (Calyces), renal|腎杯 Capsule, fibrous, of kidney|腎被膜 Columns anal, renal|訳語 Cortex, renal|訳語 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, calyx (calyces) of|腎杯 Kidney, capsule of, fibrous|訳語 Kidney, cortex of|腎臓の皮質 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Medulla, renal|腎の髄質 Papilla(e), renal|訳語 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Pyramid(s), renal|訳語 Renal calyx|腎杯 Renal cortex|腎皮質 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Renal pyramid|腎錐体 Ureter|尿管 Vein(s), renal|腎静脈
Fig. 326: Left Kidney: Dorsal View
    Abdomen|腹部 Artery (arteries), renal|腎動脈 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, border of, lateral|訳語 Kidney, border of, medial|訳語 Kidney, extremities of|訳語 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Ureter|尿管 Vein(s), ovarian|卵巣静脈 Vein(s), renal|腎静脈 Vein(s), suprarenal|副腎の静脈 Vein(s), testicular|精巣静脈
Fig. 327: Left Kidney: Frontal Section Through Renal Pelvis
    Abdomen|腹部 Calyx (Calyces), renal|腎杯 Calyx (Calyces), renal, major|大腎杯 Calyx (Calyces), renal, minor|小腎杯 Columns anal, renal|訳語 Cortex, renal|訳語 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, calyx (calyces) of|腎杯 Kidney, cortex of|腎臓の皮質 Kidney, extremities of|訳語 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Medulla, renal|腎の髄質 Papilla(e), renal|訳語 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Pyramid(s), renal|訳語 Renal calyx|腎杯 Renal cortex|腎皮質 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Renal pyramid|腎錐体 Sinus(es), renal|訳語 Ureter|尿管
Fig. 328: Retrograde Pyelogram
    Abdomen|腹部 Colon, ascending|上行結腸 Colon, descending|下行結腸 Kidney, left, inferior pole of|訳語 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Muscle(s), psoas major|大腰筋 Nerve(s), splanchnic, greater|大内蔵神経 Papilla(e), renal|訳語 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Pole(s), of kidney|訳語 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Ureter|尿管
Fig. 331: Transverse Section Through the Abdominal at the Level of the Body of the Second Lumbar Vertebra
    Abdomen|腹部 Abdomen, section of, transverse, at L-2|第2腰椎レベルの横断 Ampulla, of duodenum|十二指腸球部膨大部 Antrum, pyloric|幽門洞 Aorta|大動脈 Artery (arteries), gastroduodenal|胃十二指腸動脈 Artery (arteries), mesenteric, superior|上腸間膜動脈 Artery (arteries), renal|腎動脈 Bile duct, common|総胆管 Bulb, of duodenum (1st part)|十二指腸球部 Bursa(e), omental|網嚢 Calyx (Calyces), renal|腎杯 Capsule, fibrous, of kidney|腎被膜 Cavity, peritoneal|腹膜腔 Cavity, pleural|胸膜腔 Colon, ascending|上行結腸 Colon, flexure of, splenic|脾屈曲(左結腸曲) Cortex, renal|訳語 Diaphragm|横隔膜 Diaphragm, lumbar part|横隔膜腰部 Duct(s), bile, common|総胆管 Duct(s), thoracic|胸管 Duodenojejunal flexure|十二指腸空腸曲 Duodenum|十二指腸 Duodenum, 1st part (superior)|第一部(上部) Duodenum, 1st part (superior), ampulla of|膨大部 Duodenum, 2nd part (descending)|第二部(下行部) Fascia(e), renal|腎筋膜 Fat, pararenal|腎筋膜外の脂肪組織 Fat, perirenal|腎脂肪被膜 Flexure, colic, left (splenic)|左結腸曲、脾屈曲 Flexure, duodenojejunal|十二指腸空腸部 Gall bladder|胆嚢 Gall bladder, coat of, serous|訳語 Gall bladder, mucosa of|訳語 Ganglion (Ganglia), celiac|腹腔神経節 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, artery and vein of|訳語 Kidney, calyx (calyces) of|腎杯 Kidney, capsule of, fibrous|訳語 Kidney, cortex of|腎臓の皮質 Kidney, lymph nodes of|訳語 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Kidney, pyramid (medulla) of|腎錐体《髄質》 Ligament(s), coronary, of liver|肝の冠状靭帯 Ligament(s), falciform|肝鎌状間膜 Ligament(s), gastrocolic|胃結腸間膜 Ligament(s), gastrosplenic|胃脾間膜 Ligament(s), lienorenal|載脾靭帯、脾腎間膜 Ligament(s), lumbocostal|訳語 Ligament(s), round, of liver|肝円索 Liver|肝 Liver, calyx of|訳語 Liver, capsule of, fibrous|訳語 Liver|肝 Liver, ligament of, coronary|肝冠状間膜 Liver, ligament of, round|肝円索 Liver, lobe of, left|解剖学的肝左葉 Liver, lobe of, right|解剖学的肝右葉 Liver|肝 Lymph nodes, aortic|大動脈(周囲)リンパ節 Lymph nodes, pancreatic|訳語 Lymph nodes, renal|腎のリンパ節 Lymph nodes, splenic|訳語 Mesocolon, transverse|横行結腸間膜 Muscle(s), erector spinae|脊柱起立筋 Muscle(s), psoas major|大腰筋 Muscle(s), pyloric sphincter|幽門括約筋 Muscle(s), quadratus lumborum|腰方形筋 Muscle(s), rectus abdominis|腹直筋 Muscle(s), sphincter, pyloric|幽門括約筋 Nerve(s), iliohypogastric|腸骨下腹神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, greater|大内蔵神経 Omentum, greater|大網 Pancreas|膵臓 Pancreas, tail of|膵尾 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Peritoneal cavity|腹膜腔 Peritoneum|腹膜 Peritoneum, diaphragmatic|横隔(膜を覆う)腹膜 Peritoneum, parietal|壁側腹膜 Peritoneum, visceral|臓側腹膜 Pleura, costal|肋骨(を覆う)胸膜 Pleura, diaphragmatic|横隔(膜を覆う)胸膜 Pleural, cavity|胸膜腔 Plexus, venous (plexus), biliary|胆道の静脈叢 Pyloric antrum|幽門洞 Pyramid(s), renal|訳語 Renal calyx|腎杯 Renal cortex|腎皮質 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Renal pyramid|腎錐体 Sheath(s), of rectus abdominis muscle|腹直筋鞘 Spleen|脾臓 Stomach, wall of, layers of|訳語 Vein(s), azygos|奇静脈 Vein(s), mesenteric, inferior|下腸間膜静脈 Vein(s), mesenteric, superior|上腸間膜静脈 Vein(s), renal|腎静脈 Vein(s), renal, left|訳語 Vein(s), renal, right|訳語 Vein(s), splenic|脾静脈 Vena cava, inferior|下大静脈 Vertebra(e), lumbar, process of, articular, inferior|下関節突起 Vertebra(e), lumbar, process of, articular, superior|上関節突起 Vertebra(e), lumbar, process of, costal|肋骨突起 Vertebra(e), lumbar, process of, spinous|棘突起 Vertebra(e), lumbar, 1st|第1腰椎
Fig. 332: Transverse Section Through the Abdomen at the Level of the Body of the Third Lumbar Vertebra
    Abdomen|腹部 Abdomen, section of, transverse, at L-3|第3腰椎レベルの横断 Aorta|大動脈 Artery (arteries), colic, left|左結腸動脈 Artery (arteries), interlobar, of kidney|腎の葉間動脈 Artery (arteries), jejunal|空腸動脈 Artery (arteries), lumbar|腰動脈 Artery (arteries), mesenteric, superior|上腸間膜動脈 Artery (arteries), renal|腎動脈 Artery (arteries), testicular|精巣動脈 Bursa(e), omental|網嚢 Calyx (Calyces), renal|腎杯 Capsule, fibrous, of kidney|腎被膜 Capsule, of perirenal fat|腎の脂肪被膜 Cavity, peritoneal|腹膜腔 Colon, descending|下行結腸 Colon, transverse|横行結腸 Duct(s), hepatopancreatic|(膵胆管) Duct(s), thoracic|胸管 Duodenojejunal flexure|十二指腸空腸曲 Duodenum, 2nd part (descending)|第二部(下行部) Fascia(e), deep, overlying external oblique muscle|訳語 Fascia(e), lumbar, anterior layer|腰方形筋の筋膜、(一般)横筋筋膜 Fascia(e), over external oblique muscle|外腹斜筋を覆う筋膜 Fascia(e), renal|腎筋膜 Fascia(e), transversalis|横筋筋膜(腹膜筋膜) Fat, pararenal|腎筋膜外の脂肪組織 Fat, perirenal|腎脂肪被膜 Flexure, duodenojejunal|十二指腸空腸部 Fold(s), semilunar|(結腸の)半月ヒダ Gall bladder|胆嚢 Ganglion (Ganglia), mesenteric, superior|上腸間膜動脈神経節 Haustrum(Haustrae)|結腸膨起 Hilum, renal|腎門 Jejunum|空腸 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, calyx (calyces) of|腎杯 Kidney, capsule of, fibrous|訳語 Kidney, hilum of|腎門 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Kidney, pyramid (medulla) of|腎錐体《髄質》 Ligament(s), falciform|肝鎌状間膜 Ligament(s), gastrocolic|胃結腸間膜 Ligament(s), of umbilical vein|肝円索 Linea alba|白線 Liver|肝 Liver, ligament of, falciform|肝鎌状間膜 Liver, lobe of, right|解剖学的肝右葉 Liver|肝 Lymph nodes, mesenteric|腸間膜リンパ節 Lymph nodes, para-aortic|大動脈周囲リンパ節 Mesentery (Mesenteries), of small intestine|小腸の腸間膜 Mesocolon, transverse|横行結腸間膜 Muscle(s), erector spinae|脊柱起立筋 Muscle(s), external oblique|外腹斜筋 Muscle(s), internal oblique|内腹斜筋 Muscle(s), latissimus dorsi|広背筋 Muscle(s), oblique, external|外腹斜筋 Muscle(s), oblique, internal|内腹斜筋 Muscle(s), psoas major|大腰筋 Muscle(s), quadratus lumborum|腰方形筋 Muscle(s), rectus abdominis|腹直筋 Muscle(s), serratus posterior inferior|下後鋸筋 Muscle(s), transversus abdominis|腹横筋 Nerve(s), iliohypogastric|腸骨下腹神経 Nerve(s), lumbar|腰神経 Nerve(s), splanchnic, lumbar|腰内蔵神経 Nerve(s), subcostal|肋下神経 Omentum, greater|大網 Pancreas|膵臓 Pancreas, head of|膵頭 Papilla(e), duodenal, greater|大十二指腸乳頭 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Perirenal fat|腎脂肪披膜 Peritoneal cavity|腹膜腔 Peritoneum, parietal|壁側腹膜 Peritoneum, visceral|臓側腹膜 Pyramid(s), renal|訳語 Renal calyx|腎杯 Renal fascia|腎筋膜 Renal hilum|腎門 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Renal pyramid|腎錐体 Renal sinus|訳語 Sheath(s), of rectus abdominis muscle|腹直筋鞘 Sinus(es), renal|訳語 Stomach|胃 Stomach, mucosa of|胃の粘膜 Stomach, wall of, layers of|訳語 Taenia libera|(結腸ヒモの)自由ヒモ Taenia, mesocolica|(結腸ヒモの)間膜ヒモ Taenia omentalis|(結腸ヒモの)大網ヒモ Trunk, lymphatic, intestinal|腸リンパ本幹 Trunk, sympathetic|交感神経幹 Trunk, sympathetic, lumbar|腰部の交感神経幹 Ureter, left|訳語 Vasa recti|訳語 Vein(s), gastroepiploic, right|右胃大網静脈 Vein(s), mesenteric, inferior|下腸間膜静脈 Vein(s), mesenteric, superior|上腸間膜静脈 Vein(s), renal, right|訳語 Vein(s), testicular, left|訳語 Vena cava, inferior|下大静脈 Vertebra(e), lumbar, process of, spinous|棘突起 Vertebra(e), lumbar, process of, transverse|横突起 Vessels, duodenal|十二指腸の動静脈
Fig. 363: Diagram of the Male Genitourinary System
    Appendix testis|精巣垂 Bladder, urinary|膀胱 Corpus cavernosum penis|陰茎海綿体 Corpum spongiosum penis|尿道海綿体 Duct(s), aberrant, of epididymis|精巣上体管 Duct(s), ejaculatory|射精管 Duct(s), mesonephric|中腎管 Duct(s), M vllerian|ミュラー管、中腎傍管 Duct(s), of epididymis, aberrant|精巣上体の迷管 Duct(s), of gland, bulbourethral|尿道球腺の導管 Duct(s), paramesonephric|中腎傍管、ミュラー管 Duct(s), paramesonephric, infundibulum of|漏斗 Duct(s), Wolffian|ヴォルフ管、中腎管 Ductule(s), mesonephric|中腎細管 Epididymis|精巣上体 Epididymis, head of|訳語 Epididymis, tail of|訳語 Genitalia, male|男性外陰部 Genitourinary system, male|男性の泌尿生殖器 Gland(s), bulbourethral|(球)尿道腺 Glans penis|陰茎亀頭 Gubernaculum testis|精巣導帯 Infundibulum, of paramesonephric duct|中腎傍管の漏斗部 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Ligament(s), genital|訳語 Paradidymis|訳語 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Penis, corpus cavernosum|陰茎海綿体 Penis, corpus spongiosum|尿道海綿体 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Seminal vesicle|精嚢 Testis|精巣 Testis, appendix of|精巣付属 Testis, developing|精巣の発生 Urachus|尿膜管《遺残》 Ureter|尿管 Ureter, left|訳語 Ureter, right|訳語 Urethra, male|男性尿道 Utricle, prostatic|前立腺憩室 Vas deferens|精管 Vesicle, seminal|精嚢
Fig. 372: Diagram of the Female genitourinary System
    Appendix, vesicular|(卵管漏斗の)胞状垂 Bladder, urinary|膀胱 Bulb, vestibular|前庭球 Clitoris, crus of|陰核脚 Crus (Crura), of clitoris|訳語 Duct(s), mesonephric|中腎管 Duct(s), M vllerian|ミュラー管、中腎傍管 Duct(s), paramesonephric|中腎傍管、ミュラー管 Duct(s), Wolffian|ヴォルフ管、中腎管 Ductule(s), mesonephric, caudal|尾側中腎細管 Ductule(s), mesonephric, cranial|頭側中腎細管 Epoophoron|卵巣上体 Ganglion (Ganglia), spiral|ラセン神経節 Genitalia, female|女性外陰部 Genitourinary system, female|女性の泌尿生殖器 Infundibulum, of uterine tube|卵管の漏斗部 Kidney|腎臓 Kidney, pelvis of|腎盤 Ligament(s), genital|訳語 Ligament(s), ovarian|訳語 Ligament(s), round, of uterus|子宮円索の付着 Opening(s), urethral, external|外尿道口 Opening(s), vaginal|腟口 Ovary (Ovaries)|卵巣 Ovary (Ovaries), developing|訳語 Paroophoron|卵巣傍体 Pelvis, renal|腎盤 《骨盤ではない》 Renal pelvis|腎盤 Tube, uterine|卵管 Tube, uterine, developing|卵管の発生 Tube, uterine, infundibulum of|卵管漏斗 Urachus|尿膜管《遺残》 Ureter|尿管 Urethra|尿道 Urethra, female|女性尿道 Urethra, opening of|尿道口 Uterus|子宮 Vagina|腟 Vestibular bulb|前庭球