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Fig. 336: Diagram of the Lumbar, Sacral, Pudendal and Coccygeal Nerve Plexuses
    Abdomen|腹部 Ligament(s), cruciate, anterior|(膝の)前十字靭帯 Nerve(s), anococcygeal|訳語 Nerve(s), cluneal, inferior|下殿皮神経 Nerve(s), cutaneous, femoral, lateral|外側大腿皮神経 Nerve(s), cutaneous, femoral, posterior|後大腿皮神経 Nerve(s), cutaneous, iliohypogastric, anterior|腸骨下腹神経の前枝 Nerve(s), cutaneous, iliohypogastric, lateral|腸骨下腹神経の外側枝 Nerve(s), femoral|大腿神経 Nerve(s), femoral, branch to iliopsoas muscle|腸腰筋枝 Nerve(s), genitofemoral|陰部大腿神経 Nerve(s), genitofemoral, femoral, branch|大腿枝 Nerve(s), genitofemoral, genital branch|陰部枝 Nerve(s), gluteal, inferior|下殿神経 Nerve(s), iliohypogastric|腸骨下腹神経 Nerve(s), ilioinguinal|腸骨鼠径神経 Nerve(s), obturator|閉鎖神経 Nerve(s), peroneal, common|総腓骨神経 Nerve(s), pudendal|陰部神経 Nerve(s), rectal, inferior|下直腸神経 Nerve(s), scapular, sciatic|坐骨神経 Nerve(s), tibial|脛骨神経 Nerve(s), to coccygeus muscle|尾骨筋の神経 Nerve(s), to gemelli muscles|双子筋への神経 Nerve(s), to levator ani muscle|肛門挙筋への神経 Nerve(s), to obturator internus muscle|内閉鎖筋への神経 Nerve(s), to quadratus femoris muscle|大腿方形筋への神経 Plexus, coccygeal|訳語 Plexus, lumbosacral|訳語 Plexus, pudendal|陰部神経叢 Plexus, sacral|仙骨神経叢 Trunk, lumbosacral nerve|腰仙骨神経幹
Fig. 337: The Lumbosacral Plexus: Posterior Abdominal Wall and Anterior Thigh
    Abdomen|腹部 Abdominal wall, posterior|後腹壁 Ganglion impar|不対神経節 Nerve(s), cutaneous, femoral, anterior|大腿神経前皮枝 Nerve(s), cutaneous, femoral, lateral|外側大腿皮神経 Nerve(s), femoral|大腿神経 Nerve(s), genitofemoral|陰部大腿神経 Nerve(s), genitofemoral, femoral, branch|大腿枝 Nerve(s), genitofemoral, genital branch|陰部枝 Nerve(s), iliohypogastric|腸骨下腹神経 Nerve(s), ilioinguinal|腸骨鼠径神経 Nerve(s), obturator|閉鎖神経 Nerve(s), subcostal|肋下神経 Plexus, coccygeal|訳語 Plexus, lumbosacral|訳語 Plexus, sacral|仙骨神経叢 Sheath(s), femoral|大腿管の鞘 Thigh, anterior|大腿前面 Trunk, lumbosacral nerve|腰仙骨神経幹