Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 348: Section Through Middle of Penis
    Artery (arteries), deep, of penis|陰茎深動脈 Artery (arteries), of penis|陰茎の動脈 Capsule, fibrous, of penis|陰茎筋膜 Corpus cavernosum penis|陰茎海綿体 Fascia(e), Buck's|バック筋膜(浅陰茎筋膜) Fascia(e), of penis|陰茎の筋膜 Fascia(e), superficial, of penis|浅陰茎筋膜 Genitalia, male|男性外陰部 Penis|陰茎 Penis, capsule of, fibrous|訳語 Penis, corpus cavernosum|陰茎海綿体 Septum (Septa), of penis|陰茎の中隔 Skin|皮膚 Urethra, male|男性尿道 Urethra, male, penile|尿道陰茎部 Vein(s), of penis, dorsal|陰茎背動脈