Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 37: Surface Anatomy of the Right Upper Extremity, Anterior Aspect
    Acromion|扁峰 Arm|上腕 Arm, anatomy of, surface|上腕の体表解剖 Arm, muscles of|上腕の筋 Axilla, nerves and vessels of|腋窩の神経・血管 Bone(s), humerus, epicondyle of, medial|上腕内側上顆 Bone(s), radius, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Bone(s), scapula, acromion of|肩峰 Bone(s), ulna, olecranon, styloid|茎状突起 Crease, palmar, longitudinal, medial|訳語 Crease, palmar, longitudinal, radial|訳語 Crease, palmar, transverse, distal|訳語 Crease, palmar, transverse, proximal|訳語 Eminence, hypothenar|小指球 Eminence, thenar|母指球 Finger(s), pad of, distal digital, of index finger|示指の末節のふくらみ、指パッド Finger(s), region of, palmar, 4th digit|第4指掌側 Fold(s), axillary, anterior|前腋窩ヒダ / 後腋窩ヒダ Fold(s), interdigital|訳語 Forearm, anterior, muscles of|前腕の筋 Forearm, anterior, muscles of, extensor|前腕の伸筋群 Forearm, anterior, muscles of, flexor|前腕の屈筋部 Forearm, muscles of|前腕の筋 Forearm, surface anatomy of|前腕の体表解剖 Fossa, axillary|腋窩 Fossa, cubital|肘窩(ちゅうか) Fossa, infraclavicular|(非)鎖骨下窩、(一般)三角胸筋溝 Furrow, antebrachial, lateral|訳語 Furrow, antebrachial, medial|訳語 Furrow, bicipital, medial|上腕内側溝、上腕二頭筋溝 Groove(s), deltopectoral|三角胸筋溝 Hand|手 Hand, muscles of|手の筋 Hand, palm of|手掌 Hand, palm of, creases of|手掌の皮膚の溝 Hand, palm of, eminence of, hypothenar|母指球 Hand, palm of, eminence of, thenar|小指球 Hand, palm of, monticuli of|訳語 Hand, palm of, muscles of|訳語 Muscle(s), biceps brachii|上腕二頭筋 Muscle(s), coracobrachialis|烏口(うこう)腕筋 Muscle(s), deltoid|三角筋 Muscle(s), extensor carpi radialis brevis|短橈側手根伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor carpi radialis, longus|長橈側手根伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor carpi ulnaris|尺側手根伸筋 Muscle(s), extensors, in forearm|前腕の伸筋 Muscle(s), flexor carpi ulnaris|尺側手根屈筋 Muscle(s), flexors, in forearm|前腕の屈筋 Muscle(s), pectoralis major|大胸筋 Muscle(s), triceps|上腕三頭筋 Pad, distal digital|指尖パッド Palm, of hand|手掌 Palm, creases of|手掌のしわ・溝 Palm, eminence of, hypothenar|手掌の小指球 Palm, eminence of, thenar|手掌の母指球 Palm, monticuli of|訳語 Palm, muscles of|訳語 Palm, surface anatomy of|訳語 Region, antebrachial, lateral|外側 Region, antebrachial, medial|内側 Region, axillary|腋窩部 Region, brachial, lateral|外側 Region, brachial, medial|内側 Region, clavicular|鎖骨部 Region, cubital, anterior|前 Region, cubital, lateral|外側 Region, deltoid|三角筋部 Region, digital, palmar|指の掌側の部位 Region, infraclavicular|鎖骨下方の部位 Region, pectoral|胸筋部 Region, thoracic, lateral|外側胸部 Tendon(s), of flexor carpi radialis, muscle|橈側手根屈筋の腱 Tendon(s), of palmaris longus muscle|長掌筋の腱 Tendon sheath(s), of flexor carpi radialis muscle|橈側手根屈筋の滑液鞘