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Fig. 475: Nerves and Vessels of the Posterior Leg: Superficial Layer
    Arch(es), tendinous, of soleus muscle|ヒラメ筋の起始腱弓 Leg, posterior, nerves of|訳語 Leg, posterior, vessels of|訳語 Malleolus, lateral|外果 Muscle(s), biceps femoris|大腿二頭筋 Muscle(s), gastrocnemius|腓腹筋 Muscle(s), gastrocnemius, lateral head of|外側頭 Muscle(s), gastrocnemius, medial head of|内側頭 Muscle(s), peroneus brevis|短腓骨筋 Muscle(s), peroneus longus|長腓骨筋 Muscle(s), semimembranosus|半膜様筋 Muscle(s), semitendinosus|半腱様筋 Muscle(s), soleus|ヒラメ筋 Nerve(s), genicular|(非)膝の神経 Nerve(s), tibial|脛骨神経 Retinaculum, flexor, of foot|(足の)屈筋支帯 Retinaculum, peroneal, superior|上腓骨筋支帯 Tendon(s), calcaneal|アキレス腱、踵骨腱 Tendon(s), of plantaris muscle|足底筋の腱 Tendon(s), of tibialis posterior muscle|後脛骨筋の腱 Vein(s), popliteal|膝窩静脈 Vein(s), saphenous, small|小伏在静脈 Vein(s), tibial, posterior|後脛骨静脈 Vessels, sural|腓腹動静脈 Vessels, tibial, posterior|後脛骨動静脈