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Fig. 492: The Sole of the Right Foot: Plantar Aponeurosis
    Aponeurosis, plantar|足底腱膜 Bone(s), calcaneus, tuberosity of|踵骨隆起 Foot, sole of|足底のふくらみ Sole, of foot|ふくらはぎ Tendon sheath(s), of flexor hallucis longus muscle|(足の)長母指屈筋の滑液鞘 Tuberosity, calcaneal|踵骨隆起
Fig. 493: The Sole of the Right Foot: Superficial Nerves and Arteries
    Aponeurosis, plantar|足底腱膜 Artery (arteries), digital, proper, of foot|固有底側指動脈 Artery (arteries), metatarsal, plantar|底側中足動脈 Artery (arteries), of foot|足の動脈 Artery (arteries), tibial, posterior|後脛骨動脈 Foot, dorsal, arteries of|足背の動脈 Foot, sole of|足底のふくらみ Foot, sole of, arteries of|訳語 Foot, sole of, arteries of, superficial|訳語 Foot, sole of, nerves of|訳語 Foot, sole of, nerves of, superficial|訳語 Nerve(s), calcaneal|踵骨枝 Nerve(s), cutaneous, plantar, lateral|外側足底神経の皮枝 Nerve(s), cutaneous, plantar, medial|内側足底神経の皮枝 Nerve(s), digital, of foot|足指の神経 Nerve(s), plantar, lateral|外側足底神経 Nerve(s), plantar, medial|内側足底神経 Retinaculum, flexor, of foot|(足の)屈筋支帯 Sole, of foot|ふくらはぎ Sole, arteries of|訳語 Sole, arteries of, nerves of|訳語 Sole, arteries of, plantar aponeurosis|足底腱膜の
Fig. 494: The Sole of the Right Foot: First Layer of Plantar Muscles
    Aponeurosis, plantar|足底腱膜 Bone(s), calcaneus, tuberosity of|踵骨隆起 Fibrous sheaths, of digits|腱鞘(線維鞘) Fibrous sheaths, of flexor hallucis longus tendon|(足の)長母指屈筋腱の腱鞘 Foot, sole of|足底のふくらみ Foot, sole of, muscles of, first layer|訳語 Muscle(s), abductor digiti minimi, of foot|(足の)小指外転筋 Muscle(s), abductor hallucis|(足の)母指外転筋 Muscle(s), flexor digiti minimi brevis, of foot|(足の)短小指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor digitorum brevis|(足の)短指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis brevis|(足の)短母指屈筋 Muscle(s), interossei, plantar|底側骨間筋 Muscle(s), lumbrical, of foot|(足の)虫様筋 Sole, of foot|ふくらはぎ Sole, arteries of, muscles of|訳語 Tuberosity, calcaneal|踵骨隆起
Fig. 495: The Sole of the Right Foot: Second Layer of Plantar Muscles
    Bone(s), calcaneus, tuberosity of|踵骨隆起 Foot, sole of|足底のふくらみ Foot, sole of, muscles of, second layer|訳語 Muscle(s), abductor digiti minimi, of foot|(足の)小指外転筋 Muscle(s), abductor hallucis|(足の)母指外転筋 Muscle(s), adductor hallucis, transverse head of|横頭 Muscle(s), flexor digiti minimi brevis, of foot|(足の)短小指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor digitorum brevis|(足の)短指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis brevis|(足の)短母指屈筋 Muscle(s), interossei, plantar|底側骨間筋 Muscle(s), lumbrical, of foot|(足の)虫様筋 Muscle(s), quadratus plantae|足底方形筋 Sole, of foot|ふくらはぎ Sole, arteries of, muscles of|訳語 Tendon(s), of flexor digitorum brevis, muscle|(足の)短指屈筋の腱 Tendon(s), of flexor digitorum longus, muscle|(足の)長指屈筋の腱 Tendon(s), of peroneus longus muscle|長腓骨筋の腱 Tendon sheath(s), of peroneus longus muscle|長腓骨筋の滑液鞘 Tuberosity, calcaneal|踵骨隆起
Fig. 496: The Sole of the Right Foot: the Plantar Nerves and Arteries
    Artery (arteries), digital, proper, of foot|固有底側指動脈 Artery (arteries), metatarsal, plantar|底側中足動脈 Artery (arteries), of foot|足の動脈 Artery (arteries), plantar|足底動脈 Artery (arteries), plantar, lateral|外側足底動脈 Artery (arteries), plantar, medial|内側足底動脈 Artery (arteries), tibial, posterior|後脛骨動脈 Foot, dorsal, arteries of|足背の動脈 Foot, sole of|足底のふくらみ Foot, sole of, arteries of|訳語 Foot, sole of, nerves of|訳語 Muscle(s), abductor digiti minimi, of foot|(足の)小指外転筋 Muscle(s), abductor hallucis|(足の)母指外転筋 Muscle(s), flexor digitorum brevis|(足の)短指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis brevis|(足の)短母指屈筋 Muscle(s), quadratus plantae|足底方形筋 Nerve(s), cutaneous, plantar, medial|内側足底神経の皮枝 Nerve(s), digital, of foot|足指の神経 Nerve(s), plantar, lateral|外側足底神経 Nerve(s), plantar, medial|内側足底神経 Network, arterial, calcaneal|踵骨動脈網 Retinaculum, flexor, of foot|(足の)屈筋支帯 Sole, of foot|ふくらはぎ Sole, arteries of|訳語 Sole, arteries of, nerves of|訳語 Tendon(s), of flexor digitorum brevis, muscle|(足の)短指屈筋の腱
Fig. 497: The Sole of the Right Foot: the Plantar Arch and Deep Vessels and Nerves
    Arch(es), plantar|足底動脈弓 Artery (arteries), metatarsal, plantar|底側中足動脈 Artery (arteries), of foot|足の動脈 Artery (arteries), plantar, lateral|外側足底動脈 Artery (arteries), plantar, medial|内側足底動脈 Artery (arteries), tibial, posterior|後脛骨動脈 Foot, dorsal, arteries of|足背の動脈 Foot, sole of|足底のふくらみ Foot, sole of, arteries of|訳語 Foot, sole of, nerves of|訳語 Muscle(s), abductor digiti minimi, of foot|(足の)小指外転筋 Muscle(s), abductor hallucis|(足の)母指外転筋 Muscle(s), adductor hallucis|(足の)母指内転筋 Muscle(s), adductor hallucis, oblique head of|斜頭 Muscle(s), adductor hallucis, transverse head of|横頭 Muscle(s), flexor digiti minimi brevis, of foot|(足の)短小指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis brevis|(足の)短母指屈筋 Muscle(s), quadratus plantae|足底方形筋 Nerve(s), plantar, lateral|外側足底神経 Nerve(s), plantar, medial|内側足底神経 Sole, of foot|ふくらはぎ Sole, arteries of|訳語 Sole, arteries of, nerves of|訳語 Tendon sheath(s), of foot|(足の)滑液鞘 Vessels, plantar|足底の動静脈
Fig. 498: The Sole of the Right Foot: the Third Layer of Plantar Muscles
    Foot, sole of|足底のふくらみ Foot, sole of, muscles of, third layer|訳語 Joint(s), tibiofibular, proximal|脛腓靭帯結合 Ligament(s), calcaneonavicular, plantar, long|長足底靭帯 Muscle(s), abductor digiti minimi, of foot|(足の)小指外転筋 Muscle(s), abductor hallucis|(足の)母指外転筋 Muscle(s), adductor hallucis, oblique head of|斜頭 Muscle(s), adductor hallucis, transverse head of|横頭 Muscle(s), flexor digiti minimi brevis, of foot|(足の)短小指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor digitorum brevis|(足の)短指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis brevis|(足の)短母指屈筋 Muscle(s), interossei, plantar|底側骨間筋 Muscle(s), opponens digiti minimi, of foot|(足の)小指対立筋 Muscle(s), quadratus plantae|足底方形筋 Sole, of foot|ふくらはぎ Sole, arteries of, muscles of|訳語 Tendon(s), of flexor digitorum brevis, muscle|(足の)短指屈筋の腱 Tendon(s), of flexor digitorum longus, muscle|(足の)長指屈筋の腱 Tendon(s), of lumbrical, muscles, of foot|(足の)虫様筋の腱 Tendon(s), of peroneus longus muscle|長腓骨筋の腱 Tendon(s), of tibialis posterior muscle|後脛骨筋の腱
Fig. 499: The Plantar Interossei
    Muscle(s), interossei, plantar|底側骨間筋
Fig. 500: The Dorsal Interossei
    Muscle(s), interossei, dorsal, of foot|足の背側骨間筋
Fig. 501: The Bones of the Right Foot, Dorsal View
    Bone(s), calcaneus|踵骨 Bone(s), cuboid|立方骨 Bone(s), cuneiform of foot|楔状骨(けつじょうこつ) Bone(s), metatarsal|中足骨 Bone(s), metatarsal, tuberosity of|訳語 Bone(s), navicular|(手の)舟状骨 Bone(s), phalanx (phalanges), of foot|足の指節骨 Foot, dorsal, bones of|訳語 Talus, head of|訳語 Talus, process of, lateral, (malleolar)|距骨外側突起 Talus, trochlea of|距骨滑車 Toe(s), phalanges|訳語 Trochlea, of talus|距骨滑車 Tuberosity, of 5th metatarsal bone|第5中足骨の粗面
Fig. 502: Dorsal Aspect of the Bones of the Right Foot Showing the Attachments of Muscles
    Bone(s), calcaneus|踵骨 Bone(s), cuboid|立方骨 Bone(s), cuneiform of foot|楔状骨(けつじょうこつ) Bone(s), navicular|(手の)舟状骨 Bone(s), talus|距骨 Foot, dorsal, bones of|訳語 Foot, dorsal, bones of, showing muscle attachments|訳語 Muscle(s), extensor digitorum brevis|(足の)短指伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor digitorum longus, of leg|(足の)長指伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor hallucis brevis|(足の)短母指伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor hallucis longus|(足の)長母指伸筋 Muscle(s), interossei, dorsal, of foot|足の背側骨間筋 Muscle(s), peroneus brevis|短腓骨筋 Muscle(s), peroneus tertius|第三腓骨筋 Tendon(s), calcaneal|アキレス腱、踵骨腱
Fig. 503: The Bones of the Right Foot: Plantar View
    Bone(s), calcaneus, tuberosity of|踵骨隆起 Bone(s), cuboid|立方骨 Bone(s), cuneiform of foot|楔状骨(けつじょうこつ) Bone(s), metatarsal|中足骨 Bone(s), metatarsal, tuberosity of|訳語 Bone(s), navicular|(手の)舟状骨 Bone(s), phalanx (phalanges), of foot|足の指節骨 Bone(s), sesamoid|種子骨 Bone(s), tarsal|足根骨 Foot, dorsal, bones of|訳語 Foot, plantar aspect, bones of|訳語 Sulcus (Sulci), cuboid|訳語 Sustentaculum tali|載距突起 Talus, head of|訳語 Toe(s), phalanges|訳語 Tuberosity, calcaneal|踵骨隆起 Tuberosity, of 1st metatarsal bone|第1中足骨の粗面 Tuberosity, of 5th metatarsal bone|第5中足骨の粗面
Fig. 504: Plantar Aspect of the Bones of the Right Foot Showing the Attachments of Muscles
    Bone(s), calcaneus|踵骨 Bone(s), cuboid|立方骨 Bone(s), cuneiform of foot|楔状骨(けつじょうこつ) Bone(s), navicular|(手の)舟状骨 Bone(s), sesamoid|種子骨 Bone(s), talus|距骨 Foot, plantar aspect, bones of, showing muscle attachments|訳語 Muscle(s), abductor digiti minimi, of foot|(足の)小指外転筋 Muscle(s), abductor hallucis|(足の)母指外転筋 Muscle(s), adductor hallucis|(足の)母指内転筋 Muscle(s), flexor digiti minimi brevis, of foot|(足の)短小指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor digitorum brevis|(足の)短指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor digitorum longus|(足の)長指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis brevis|(足の)短母指屈筋 Muscle(s), flexor hallucis longus|(足の)長母指屈筋 Muscle(s), interossei, plantar|底側骨間筋 Muscle(s), peroneus longus|長腓骨筋 Muscle(s), quadratus plantae|足底方形筋 Muscle(s), tibialis anterior|前脛骨筋 Muscle(s), tibialis posterior|後脛骨筋
Fig. 505: Tendons at the Ankle Region: Dorsolateral View(Right Foot)
    Bone(s), fibula|腓骨(ひこつ) Muscle(s), extensor digitorum brevis|(足の)短指伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor digitorum longus, of leg|(足の)長指伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor hallucis brevis|(足の)短母指伸筋 Muscle(s), extensor hallucis longus|(足の)長母指伸筋 Muscle(s), peroneus brevis|短腓骨筋 Muscle(s), peroneus longus|長腓骨筋 Muscle(s), peroneus tertius|第三腓骨筋 Retinaculum, extensor, of foot|(足の)伸筋支帯 Retinaculum, peroneal, inferior|下腓骨筋支帯 Retinaculum, peroneal, superior|上腓骨筋支帯 Tendon(s), Achilles|アキレス腱、踵骨腱 Tendon(s), calcaneal|アキレス腱、踵骨腱 Tendon(s), of ankle region|足関節部の腱 Tendon(s), of extensor digitorum longus muscle|(足の)長指伸筋の腱 Tendon(s), of peroneus brevis muscle|短腓骨筋の腱 Tendon(s), of peroneus tertius muscle|第三腓骨筋の腱 Tendon sheath(s), of extensor digitorum longus muscle|(足の)長指伸筋腱の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of foot|(足の)滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of peroneus brevis muscle|短腓骨筋の滑液鞘 Tendon sheath(s), of peroneus longus muscle|長腓骨筋の滑液鞘