Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 503: The Bones of the Right Foot: Plantar View
    Bone(s), calcaneus, tuberosity of|踵骨隆起 Bone(s), cuboid|立方骨 Bone(s), cuneiform of foot|楔状骨(けつじょうこつ) Bone(s), metatarsal|中足骨 Bone(s), metatarsal, tuberosity of|訳語 Bone(s), navicular|(手の)舟状骨 Bone(s), phalanx (phalanges), of foot|足の指節骨 Bone(s), sesamoid|種子骨 Bone(s), tarsal|足根骨 Foot, dorsal, bones of|訳語 Foot, plantar aspect, bones of|訳語 Sulcus (Sulci), cuboid|訳語 Sustentaculum tali|載距突起 Talus, head of|訳語 Toe(s), phalanges|訳語 Tuberosity, calcaneal|踵骨隆起 Tuberosity, of 1st metatarsal bone|第1中足骨の粗面 Tuberosity, of 5th metatarsal bone|第5中足骨の粗面