Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 571: Meninges of the Spinal Cord Shown at Cervical Level(Transverse Section)
    Arachnoid|クモ膜 Dura mater|硬膜 Dura mater, layer of, meningeal|硬膜内板 Dura mater, layer of, layer of, periosteal|硬膜外板 Epidural space|硬膜上腔 Epineurium|神経外膜 Fascia(e), cervical, middle|訳語 Ganglion (Ganglia), spinal|脊髄神経節(後根神経節) Ligament(s), denticulate|髄膜の歯状靭帯 Meninges|髄膜《硬膜、クモ膜、軟膜》 Nerve(s), spinal, ramus of, anterior|脊髄神経前枝 Nerve(s), spinal, ramus of, posterior primary|脊髄神経後枝 Nerve(s), spinal, root of, ventral|脊髄神経の前根 Pia mater|軟膜 Ramus (Rami), of spinal nerve, anterior ramus|脊髄神経前枝 Ramus (Rami), of spinal nerve, primary ramus, posterior|脊髄神経後枝 Rami communicantes|交通枝 Root(s), ventral, of spinal nerve|脊髄神経の前根 Space(s), epidural|硬膜上腔 Space(s), subarachnoid|クモ膜下腔 Spinal cord, meninges of|脊髄の髄膜 《硬膜、クモ膜、軟膜》 Subarachnoid space|クモ膜下腔 Vertebra(e), body of, cross section of, containing spinal cord|脊髄を含む横断 Vertebra(e), cervical|頚椎