Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 598: The Suprahyoid Muscles and Hyoid Bone(Viewed from Below)
    Bone(s), hyoid|舌骨 Bone(s), hyoid, body of|舌骨体 Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|舌骨大角 Bone(s), mandible, body of|下顎体 Bone(s), mandible, process of, condyloid|関節突起 Bone(s), mandible, process of, coronoid|筋突起 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Ligament(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨靭帯 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Mental protuberance|オトガイ隆起 Mental tubercle|訳語 Molar teeth, socket for|訳語 Muscle(s), digastric, anterior belly of|前腹 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Protuberance, mental|訳語 Raphe, mylohyoid|訳語 Socket(s), for teeth|歯槽 Tendon(s), of digastric muscle, intermediate|顎二腹筋の中間腱 Tooth(Teeth), sockets for|歯槽 Tubercle, mental|オトガイ結節
Fig. 601: The Anterior Aspect of the Skull
    Bone(s), ethmoid|篩骨(しこつ) Bone(s), frontal|前頭骨 Bone(s), lacrimal|涙骨 Bone(s), mandible|下顎骨 Bone(s), mandible, body of|下顎体 Bone(s), mandible, ramus of|下顎枝 Bone(s), maxilla|上顎骨 Bone(s), maxilla, process of, alveolar|歯槽突起 Bone(s), maxilla, process of, frontal|前頭突起 Bone(s), nasal|鼻骨 Bone(s), parietal|頭頂骨 Bone(s), sphenoid|蝶形骨 Bone(s), sphenoid, wing of, greater|大翼(たいよく) Bone(s), sphenoid, wing of, lesser|小翼(しょうよく) Bone(s), temporal|側頭骨 Bone(s), zygomatic|頬骨 Concha(e), nasal|鼻道 Concha(e), nasal, inferior|下鼻道 Concha(e), nasal, middle|中鼻道 Fissure, orbital, inferior|下眼窩裂 Foramen (Foramina), infraorbital|眼窩下孔 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Foramen (Foramina), supraorbital|眼窩上孔 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Nose, conchae of|鼻甲介 Nose, septum of|鼻中隔の骨格 Ramus (Rami), of mandible|下顎枝 Septum (Septa), nasal|鼻中隔 Skull|頭蓋 Spine(s), nasal, anterior|前鼻棘 Supraorbital margin|眼窩上縁 Suture, coronal|冠状縫合 Suture, frontolacrimal|訳語 Suture, frontomaxillary|前頭骨と上顎骨の縫合 Suture, frontonasal|前頭骨と鼻骨の縫合 Suture, internasal|訳語 Suture, nasomaxillary|訳語 Suture, sphenofrontal|訳語 Suture, sphenoparietal|蝶形骨と頭頂骨の縫合 Suture, sphenozygomatic|訳語 Suture, zygomaticomaxillary|訳語 Vomer|鋤骨 Wing(s), of sphenoid bone|蝶形骨大翼・小翼
Fig. 603: The Muscles of Facial Expression (Anterior View)
    Bone(s), nasal|鼻骨 Bone(s), zygomatic|頬骨 Duct(s), parotid|耳下腺管 Facial expression, muscles of|表情筋 Fascia(e), cervical, superficial|頚筋膜の浅葉(浅頚筋膜) Fat pad, buccal|頬脂肪体 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Galea aponeurotica|帽状腱膜 Gland(s), parotid|耳下腺 Ligament(s), palpebral, medial|内側眼瞼靭帯 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Mucosa, oral|口腔の粘膜 Muscle(s), buccinator|頬筋 Muscle(s), corrugator supercilii|皺眉(すうび)筋 Muscle(s), depressor anguli oris|口角下制筋 Muscle(s), depressor labii inferioris|下唇下制筋 Muscle(s), depressor septi|鼻中隔下制筋 Muscle(s), depressor supercilii|(非)眉下制筋 Muscle(s), facial, superficial|顔面筋表層 Muscle(s), facial expression, muscles of|表情筋 Muscle(s), levator anguli oris|口角挙筋 Muscle(s), levator labii superioris|上唇挙筋 Muscle(s), levator labii superioris alaeque nasi|上唇鼻翼挙筋 Muscle(s), masseter|咬筋 Muscle(s), mentalis|オトガイ筋 Muscle(s), nasalis|鼻筋 Muscle(s), occipitofrontalis|後頭前頭筋 Muscle(s), orbicularis oculi|眼輪筋 Muscle(s), orbicularis oris|口輪筋 Muscle(s), platysma|広頚筋 Muscle(s), procerus|鼻根筋 Muscle(s), risorius|笑筋 Muscle(s), sternocleidomastoid|胸鎖乳突筋 Muscle(s), temporoparietalis|側頭頭頂筋 Muscle(s), zygomaticus minor|小頬骨筋 Oral cavity, mucosa of|口腔粘膜 Sulcus (Sulci), palpebral, superior|訳語
Fig. 610: Lateral Aspect of the Skull
    Bone(s), ethmoid, lamina of, orbital|眼窩板 Bone(s), frontal, squama of|前頭鱗(りん) Bone(s), mandible, base of|下顎底 Bone(s), mandible, process of, condyloid|関節突起 Bone(s), mandible, process of, coronoid|筋突起 Bone(s), nasal|鼻骨 Bone(s), parietal, line of, superior temporal|上側頭線 Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Meatus, acoustic, external|外耳道 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Nerve(s), nasociliary|鼻毛様体神経 Nerve(s), trigeminal|三叉神経 Occipital condyle|後頭顆 Protuberance, mental|訳語 Skull|頭蓋 Spine(s), nasal, anterior|前鼻棘 Squama, of frontal bone|前頭鱗 Suture, coronal|冠状縫合 Suture, frontozygomatic|前頭骨と頬骨の縫合 Suture, lacrimomaxillary|訳語 Suture, lambdoidal|ラムダ縫合 Suture, nasomaxillary|訳語 Suture, occipitomastoid|訳語 Suture, parietomastoid|訳語 Suture, sphenofrontal|訳語 Suture, sphenosquamosal|訳語 Suture, sphenozygomatic|訳語 Suture, squamosal|訳語 Suture, zygomaticotemporal|訳語
Fig. 697: The mandibule as seen from the Front
    Angle, of mandible|下顎角 Bone(s), mandible|下顎骨 Bone(s), mandible, angle of|下顎角 Bone(s), mandible, line of, oblique|訳語 Bone(s), mandible, part of, alveolar|訳語 Bone(s), mandible, process of, condyloid|関節突起 Bone(s), mandible, process of, coronoid|筋突起 Bone(s), mandible, ramus of|下顎枝 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Line, oblique, of mandible|訳語 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Mental protuberance|オトガイ隆起 Mental tubercle|訳語 Ramus (Rami), of mandible|下顎枝 Socket(s), for teeth|歯槽 Tooth(Teeth)|歯 Tooth(Teeth), sockets for|歯槽 Tubercle, mental|オトガイ結節
Fig. 699: The Mandibular Arch and the Lower Teeth (from Above)
    Arch(es), mandibular|(非)下顎弓 Bicuspid tooth|二尖頭歯 Bone(s), mandible, arch of|訳語 Canine tooth|切歯、犬歯 Foramen (Foramina), mandibular|下顎孔 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Gum|《Gingivaは専門用語》 歯肉 Incisors|切歯、犬歯 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Molar teeth|大臼歯 Mucosa, oral|口腔の粘膜 Nerve(s), laryngeal, recurrent|反回神経 Oral cavity, mucosa of|口腔粘膜 Premolar teeth|小臼歯 Tooth(Teeth)|歯 Tooth(Teeth), bicuspid|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), canine|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), incisor|切歯 Tooth(Teeth), molar|大臼歯 Tooth(Teeth), premolar|小臼歯
Fig. 708: Dentition of a Child of Nearly One Year of Age
    Bone(s), mandible|下顎骨 Bone(s), maxilla|上顎骨 Canine tooth|切歯、犬歯 Dentition, at one year of age|訳語 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Incisors|切歯、犬歯 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Molar teeth|大臼歯 Molar teeth, deciduous|訳語 Molar teeth, permanent|訳語 Tooth(Teeth)|歯 Tooth(Teeth), canine|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), deciduous|乳歯 Tooth(Teeth), incisor|切歯 Tooth(Teeth), molar|大臼歯
Fig. 709: The Facial Skeleton of a Five Year Old Child Showing Full Deciduous Dentition (20 Teeth)
    Bone(s), mandible, canal of|下顎管 Canal(s), mandibular|下顎管 Canine tooth|切歯、犬歯 Dentition, deciduous, full, of 5-year old child|訳語 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Incisors|切歯、犬歯 Incisors, permanent, lower|訳語 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Molar teeth, deciduous|訳語 Molar teeth, permanent|訳語 Tooth(Teeth)|歯 Tooth(Teeth), canine|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), deciduous|乳歯 Tooth(Teeth), incisor|切歯 Tooth(Teeth), incisor, permanent, lower|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), molar|大臼歯 Tooth(Teeth), permanent|永久歯
Fig. 711: Dentition of a 20 Year Old Person, seen from the Left Side
    Bone(s), mandible, canal of|下顎管 Canal(s), mandibular|下顎管 Canine tooth|切歯、犬歯 Dentition, of 20-year old person|訳語 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Molar teeth|大臼歯 Premolar teeth|小臼歯 Tooth(Teeth)|歯 Tooth(Teeth), canine|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), incisor|切歯 Tooth(Teeth), molar|大臼歯 Tooth(Teeth), premolar|小臼歯
Fig. 720: The Right Upper and Lower Teeth, Lateral View
    Bone(s), mandible, canal of|下顎管 Canal(s), mandibular|下顎管 Canaliculus (Canaliculi), alveolar|歯槽管 Cavity, pulp, of tooth|歯髄腔 Fissure, pterygomaxillary|(非)翼突上顎裂 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Incisors|切歯、犬歯 Incisors, permanent, lower|訳語 Incisors, permanent, upper|訳語 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Pulp cavity, of tooth|歯髄腔 Root(s), of tooth|歯根 Septum (Septa), interalveolar|訳語 Septum (Septa), intra-alveolar|訳語 Socket(s), for teeth|歯槽 Tooth(Teeth)|歯 Tooth(Teeth), crown of|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), incisor|切歯 Tooth(Teeth), incisor, permanent, lower|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), incisor, permanent, upper|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), permanent|永久歯 Tooth(Teeth), pulp cavity of|歯髄腔 Tooth(Teeth), roots of|歯根 Tooth(Teeth), sockets for|歯槽 Tuberosity, maxillary|上顎骨の粗面