Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 610: Lateral Aspect of the Skull
    Bone(s), ethmoid, lamina of, orbital|眼窩板 Bone(s), frontal, squama of|前頭鱗(りん) Bone(s), mandible, base of|下顎底 Bone(s), mandible, process of, condyloid|関節突起 Bone(s), mandible, process of, coronoid|筋突起 Bone(s), nasal|鼻骨 Bone(s), parietal, line of, superior temporal|上側頭線 Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ孔 Meatus, acoustic, external|外耳道 Mental foramen|オトガイ孔 Nerve(s), nasociliary|鼻毛様体神経 Nerve(s), trigeminal|三叉神経 Occipital condyle|後頭顆 Protuberance, mental|訳語 Skull|頭蓋 Spine(s), nasal, anterior|前鼻棘 Squama, of frontal bone|前頭鱗 Suture, coronal|冠状縫合 Suture, frontozygomatic|前頭骨と頬骨の縫合 Suture, lacrimomaxillary|訳語 Suture, lambdoidal|ラムダ縫合 Suture, nasomaxillary|訳語 Suture, occipitomastoid|訳語 Suture, parietomastoid|訳語 Suture, sphenofrontal|訳語 Suture, sphenosquamosal|訳語 Suture, sphenozygomatic|訳語 Suture, squamosal|訳語 Suture, zygomaticotemporal|訳語