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Fig. 611: Schematic Diagram of the Trigeminal Nerve
    Ganglion (Ganglia), pterygopalatine|翼口蓋神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), submandibular|顎下神経節 Nerve(s), auriculotemporal|耳介側頭神経 Nerve(s), buccal|頬神経 Nerve(s), frontal|前頭神経 Nerve(s), infraorbital|眼窩下神経 Nerve(s), infratrochlear|(非)滑車下神経 Nerve(s), lacrimal|涙腺神経 Nerve(s), lingual|舌神経 Nerve(s), mental|オトガイ神経 Nerve(s), nasal, external|外鼻枝 Nerve(s), palatine|口蓋の神経 Nerve(s), supratrochlear|訳語 Nerve(s), trigeminal, alveolar branches, inferior|下歯槽神経 Nerve(s), trigeminal, alveolar branches, superior|上歯槽神経 Nerve(s), trigeminal, mandibular branches|下顎神経 Nerve(s), zygomaticotemporal|頬骨側頭神経
Fig. 640: The Petrous, Cavernus and Cerebral Portions of the Internal Carotid Artery
    Air cells, mastoid|乳突蜂巣 Artery (arteries), carotid, internal|内頚動脈 Artery (arteries), infraorbital|眼窩下動脈 Artery (arteries), maxillary|上顎動脈 Artery (arteries), occipital|後頭動脈 Artery (arteries), of pterygoid canal|翼突管動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, descending|下行口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), pharyngeal, ascending|上行咽頭動脈 Artery (arteries), stapedius|アブミ骨動脈 Artery (arteries), stylomastoid|茎乳突孔動脈 Artery (arteries), tympanic, inferior|下鼓室動脈 Artery (arteries), tympanic, posterior|後鼓室動脈 Bone(s), maxilla|上顎骨 Bone(s), sphenoid, body of|訳語 Canal(s), cochlear|蝸牛管 Canal(s), semicircular, anterior|前半規管 Canal(s), semicircular, lateral|外半規管 Cells, air, mastoid|乳突蜂巣 Cochlea|蝸牛(かぎゅう) Cochlea, lamina of, osseous spiral|訳語 Cochlear window|蝸牛窓 Crista vestibuli|訳語 Fascia(e), prevertebral|頚筋膜椎前葉 Fissure, orbital, inferior|下眼窩裂 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, superior|上頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), ciliary|毛様体神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), geniculate|(顔面神経の)膝神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), inferior, of glossopharyngeal nerve|舌咽神経の下神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), pterygopalatine|翼口蓋神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), pterygopalatine, branches of|訳語 Ganglion (Ganglia), superior, of vagus nerve|迷走神経の上神経節 Genu, of internal carotid. artery|内頚動脈の屈曲部 Mastoid air cells|乳突蜂巣 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), longus capitis|頭長筋 Muscle(s), stapedius|アブミ骨筋 Nerve(s), abducens|外転神経 Nerve(s), accessory|副神経 Nerve(s), carotid, internal|内頚動脈神経(叢) Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Nerve(s), facial|顔面神経 Nerve(s), frontal|前頭神経 Nerve(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経 Nerve(s), lacrimal|涙腺神経 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Nerve(s), maxillary|上顎神経 Nerve(s), oculomotor|動眼神経 Nerve(s), of pterygoid canal|翼突管の神経 Nerve(s), of stapedius muscle|アブミ骨筋の神経 Nerve(s), ophthalmic|眼神経 Nerve(s), optic|視神経 Nerve(s), palatine|口蓋の神経 Nerve(s), petrosal, deep|深錐体神経 Nerve(s), petrosal, greater|大錐体神経 Nerve(s), pterygopalatine|翼口蓋神経《翼口蓋神経節との交通枝》 Nerve(s), trochlear|滑車神経 Nerve(s), tympanic|鼓室神経 Nerve(s), vagus, auricular branch|迷走神経の耳介枝 Plexus, carotid|内頚動脈神経叢 Pterygoid process, of sphenoid bone|蝶形骨の翼状突起 Ring, tendinous, common, of orbit|総腱輪 Scala tympani|鼓膜階 Scala vestibuli|前庭階 Sinus(es), cavernous|海面静脈洞 Sinus(es), sigmoid|S状静脈洞 Vein(s), jugular, internal|内頚静脈 Vestibule, of ear|訳語 Window, cochlear|蝸牛窓
Fig. 693: The Pterygopalatine Ganglion and its Branches
    Artery (arteries), carotid, external|外頚動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, internal|内頚動脈 Artery (arteries), ethmoid, anterior|前篩骨動脈 Artery (arteries), maxillary|上顎動脈 Artery (arteries), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋枝 《動脈》 Artery (arteries), nasopalatine|(非)鼻口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), of pterygoid canal|翼突管動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, ascending|上行口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, descending|下行口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, greater|大口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, lesser|小口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), sphenopalatine|蝶口蓋動脈 Bone(s), mandible|下顎骨 Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Concha(e), nasal, inferior|下鼻道 Concha(e), nasal, middle|中鼻道 Concha(e), nasal, superior|上鼻道 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, superior|上頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), pterygopalatine|翼口蓋神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), pterygopalatine, branches of|訳語 Muscle(s), digastric|顎二腹筋 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ舌筋 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ舌骨筋 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋 Muscle(s), pterygoid, medial|内側翼突筋 Nerve(s), alveolar, inferior|下歯槽神経 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Nerve(s), ethmoid, anterior|前篩骨神経 Nerve(s), lingual|舌神経 Nerve(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋神経 Nerve(s), nasopalatine|鼻口蓋神経 Nerve(s), of pterygoid canal|翼突管の神経 Nerve(s), palatine|口蓋の神経 Nerve(s), palatine, greater|大口蓋神経 Nerve(s), palatine, posterior|後口蓋神経 Nerve(s), petrosal, deep|深錐体神経 Nerve(s), petrosal, greater|大錐体神経 Nerve(s), trigeminal|三叉神経 Nose, conchae of|鼻甲介 Plexus, carotid|内頚動脈神経叢 Sinus(es), sphenoid|蝶形骨洞 《副鼻腔》 Tooth(Teeth)|歯 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨 Uvula, of soft palate|口蓋垂