Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 613: The Right Temporomandibular Region (Medial View)
    Angle, of mandible|下顎角 Bone(s), ethmoid, plate of, perpendicular|篩骨垂直板 Bone(s), mandible, angle of|下顎角 Bone(s), mandible, lingula of|下顎小舌 Bone(s), mandible, ramus of|下顎枝 Bone(s), sphenoid, body of|訳語 Bone(s), sphenoid, process of, pterygoid|翼状突起 Bone(s), sphenoid, sella turcica|トルコ鞍(あん) Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Canal(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経管 Clivus|斜台 Dorsum sellae|鞍背(あんぱい) Foramen (Foramina), pterygospinous|(非)翼突蝶形骨棘間孔 Groove(s), mylohyoid|訳語 Hamulus, pterygoid|翼突鈎 Joint(s), temporomandibular|顎関節 Ligament(s), sphenomandibular|蝶下顎靭帯 Ligament(s), stylomandibular|茎突下顎靭帯 Line, mylohyoid|訳語 Lingula, of mandible|下顎小舌 Nasal cavity|鼻腔 Plate(s), perpendicular, of ethmoid bone|篩骨垂直板 Ramus (Rami), of mandible|下顎枝 Sella turcica|トルコ鞍 Sinus(es), sphenoid|蝶形骨洞 《副鼻腔》 Spine(s), of sphenoid bone|蝶形骨の棘 Vomer|鋤骨
Fig. 678: The Chorioid or Vascular Tunic of the Eyeball
    Artery (arteries), ciliary, anterior|(非)前毛様体動脈 Artery (arteries), ciliary, posterior|後毛様体動脈 Artery (arteries), ciliary, posterior, long|長後毛様体動脈 Artery (arteries), conjunctival|結膜の動脈 Artery (arteries), retinal, central|網膜中心動脈 Canal(s), Schlemm's|シュレム管 Chorioid|脈絡膜、(臨)ブドウ膜 Cornea, plexus of, marginal|訳語 Eyeball|眼球 Groove(s), mylohyoid|訳語 Iris, arterial circle of|訳語 Plexus, marginal, of cornea|訳語 Recess, subpopliteal|膝窩下方の陥凹 Retina, vessels of|訳語 Sinus venosus, of sclera|訳語 Vein(s), conjunctival|結膜の静脈 Vein(s), vorticose|渦静脈 Vessels, central, of retina|網膜中心動静脈 Vessels, of eyeball|眼球の動静脈 Zygomatic arch|頬骨弓
Fig. 700: Right Mandible, Inner Surface
    Angle, of mandible|下顎角 Bone(s), mandible, angle of|下顎角 Bone(s), mandible, body of|下顎体 Bone(s), mandible, head of|下顎頭 Bone(s), mandible, lingula of|下顎小舌 Bone(s), mandible, notch of|訳語 Bone(s), mandible, process of, condyloid|関節突起 Bone(s), mandible, process of, coronoid|筋突起 Bone(s), mandible, ramus of|下顎枝 Bone(s), sphenoid, tuberosity of, pterygoid|訳語 Foramen (Foramina), mandibular|下顎孔 Fossa, digastric|(非)二腹筋窩 Fovea, sublingual|訳語 Fovea, submandibular|訳語 Groove(s), mylohyoid|訳語 Line, mylohyoid|訳語 Lingula, of mandible|下顎小舌 Mandibular notch|下顎切痕 Notch, mandibular|下顎切痕 Ramus (Rami), of mandible|下顎枝 Retromolar triangle|臼後三角 Spine(s), genioglossal|訳語 Spine(s), mental|訳語 Tooth(Teeth)|歯 Triangle(s), retromolar|臼後三角 Tuberosity, pterygoid, of sphenoid bone|訳語