Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 645: The Base of the Skull: Internal Aspect (Superior View)
    Artery (arteries), infraorbital|眼窩下動脈 Artery (arteries), zygomatico-orbital|頬骨眼窩動脈 Bone(s), ethmoid, plate of, cribriform|篩骨篩板 Bone(s), frontal|前頭骨 Bone(s), occipital|後頭骨 Bone(s), occipital, part of, basilar|底部 Bone(s), occipital, process of, jugular|訳語 Bone(s), parietal|頭頂骨 Bone(s), sphenoid|蝶形骨 Bone(s), sphenoid, lingula of|小舌 Bone(s), sphenoid, wing of, lesser|小翼(しょうよく) Bone(s), temporal, part of, petrous|岩様部 Bone(s), temporal, part of, squamous|側頭鱗 Brain, convolutions of, markings of|脳のしわによる圧痕 Canal(s), condyloid|顆管 Canal(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経管 Canal(s), optic|視神経管 Cerebral, convolutions, markings of|大脳のしわによる圧痕 Clinoid process, anterior and posterior, of sphenoid bone|蝶形骨の前床突起・後床突起 Convolutions, cerebral, markings of|大脳のしわによる圧痕 Crest, occipital, internal|内後頭稜 Crista galli|鶏冠 Dorsum sellae|鞍背(あんぱい) Fissure, orbital, orbital, superior|上眼窩裂 Fissure, petrosquamosal|錐体鱗裂 Fissure, sphenopetrosal|蝶錐体裂 Foramen (Foramina), jugular|頚静脈孔 Foramen (Foramina), mastoid|乳突孔 Foramen cecum|(内頭蓋底の)盲孔 Foramen lacerum|破裂孔 Foramen magnum|大孔 Foramen ovale|卵円孔 Foramen rotundum|正円孔 Foramen spinosum|棘孔 Fossa, cranial, anterior|前頭蓋窩 Fossa, cranial, middle|中頭蓋窩 Fossa, cranial, posterior|後頭蓋窩 Fossa, hypophyseal|下垂体窩 Frontal, crest|訳語 Lingula, of sphenoid|蝶形骨小舌 Meatus, acoustic, internal|内耳道 Nerve(s), petrosal, greater|大錐体神経 Nerve(s), petrosal, lesser|小錐体神経 Occipital, crest, internal|訳語 Occipital protuberance, internal|内後頭隆起 Optic canal|視神経管 Plate(s), cribriform of ethmoid bone|篩骨篩板 Protuberance, occipital, occipital, internal|訳語 Sinus(es), sagittal, superior|上矢状静脈洞 Sinus(es), sigmoid|S状静脈洞 Skull, base of|頭蓋底 Sulcus (Sulci), carotid|訳語 Sulcus (Sulci), for petrosal nerve, greater|大錐体神経が通る溝 Sulcus (Sulci), for petrosal nerve, lesser|訳語 Sulcus (Sulci), for petrosal sinus, inferior|下矢状静脈洞が通る溝 Sulcus (Sulci), for petrosal sinus, superior|上矢状静脈洞が通る溝 Sulcus (Sulci), for sigmoid sinus|訳語 Sulcus (Sulci), for sagittal sinus, superior|訳語 Sulcus (Sulci), for transverse sinus|訳語 Suture, frontoethmoid|訳語 Suture, occipitomastoid|訳語 Suture, sphenofrontal|訳語 Suture, sphenosquamosal|訳語 Synchondrosis, spheno-occipital|蝶形骨と後頭骨の軟骨結合 Tubercle, jugular|訳語 Tuberculum sellae|訳語 Wing(s), of crista galli|訳語 Wing(s), of sphenoid bone|蝶形骨大翼・小翼