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Fig. 647: Muscle Origins and Other Structures on the Base of the Skull
    Angle, of mandible|下顎角 Aponeurosis, palatal|口蓋腱膜 Aponeurosis, palatal, palatine|口蓋腱膜 Artery (arteries), infraorbital|眼窩下動脈 Artery (arteries), zygomatico-orbital|頬骨眼窩動脈 Articular capsule, temporomandibular|顎関節の関節包 Bone(s), mandible, angle of|下顎角 Bone(s), mandible, base of|下顎底 Bone(s), mandible, neck of|訳語 Bone(s), occipital, condyle of|後頭顆 Bone(s), sphenoid, process of, pterygoid|翼状突起 Bone(s), temporal, part of, petrous|岩様部 Canal(s), carotid|頚動脈管 Canal(s), condyloid|顆管 Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Foramen (Foramina), jugular|頚静脈孔 Foramen lacerum|破裂孔 Hamulus, pterygoid|翼突鈎 Joint(s), temporomandibular, capsule of, articular|訳語 Ligament(s), lateral, of temporomandibular joint|訳語 Ligament(s), pterygospinous|訳語 Ligament(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨靭帯 Ligament(s), stylomandibular|茎突下顎靭帯 Muscle(s), digastric, anterior belly of|前腹 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ舌筋 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ舌骨筋 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), longissimus capitis|頭最長筋 Muscle(s), longus capitis|頭長筋 Muscle(s), masseter|咬筋 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋 Muscle(s), obliquus capitis|頭斜筋 Muscle(s), pterygoid, lateral|外側翼突筋 Muscle(s), pterygoid, medial|内側翼突筋 Muscle(s), rectus capitis anterior|前頭直筋 Muscle(s), rectus capitis, lateralis|外側頭直筋 Muscle(s), rectus capitis posterior major|大後頭直筋 Muscle(s), rectus capitis posterior minor|小後頭直筋 Muscle(s), rectus femoris|大腿直筋 Muscle(s), semispinalis capitis|頭半棘筋 Muscle(s), splenius capitis|頭板状筋 Muscle(s), sternohyoid|胸骨舌骨筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋 Muscle(s), temporalis|側頭筋 Muscle(s), tensor veli palatini|口蓋帆張筋 Muscle(s), zygomaticus major|大頬骨筋 Occipital protuberance, external|外後頭隆起 Protuberance, occipital, external|訳語 Pterygoid process, of sphenoid bone|蝶形骨の翼状突起 Skull, base of|頭蓋底 Synchondrosis, petro-occipital|訳語 Tendon(s), of sternocleidomastoid muscle|胸鎖乳突筋の腱 Tendon(s), of trapezius muscle|僧帽筋の腱 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨
Fig. 690: Arteries and Nerves of the Nasal Septum
    Arch(es), of atlas, anterior|環椎の前弓 Artery (arteries), ethmoid, anterior|前篩骨動脈 Artery (arteries), labial, superior|上唇動脈 Artery (arteries), meningeal, anterior|前硬膜動脈 Artery (arteries), nasal, external|(非)外鼻動脈 Artery (arteries), nasopalatine|(非)鼻口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), of nasal septum|鼻中隔の動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, greater|大口蓋動脈 Atlas, arch of, anterior|前弓 Axis, dens of|歯突起 Axis, process of, odontoid|《一般的にはdens》歯突起 Bulb, olfactory|嗅球 Cartilage(s), alar, greater, of nose|大鼻翼軟骨 Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Cartilage(s), of nose, septal|訳語 Dens, of axis|訳語 Gland(s), palatine|口蓋腺 Mouth, vestibule of|口腔前庭 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), of uvula|口蓋垂の筋 Muscle(s), orbicularis oris|口輪筋 Muscle(s), palatopharyngeus|口蓋咽頭筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), salpingopharyngeus|耳管咽頭筋 Nasal vestibule|鼻前庭 Nerve(s), incisive|切歯の神経、(正式)鼻口蓋神経 Nerve(s), nasal, external|外鼻枝 Nerve(s), nasopalatine|鼻口蓋神経 Nerve(s), olfactory|嗅神経 Nerve(s), olfactory, medial|訳語 Nerve(s), septal|鼻中隔の神経 Network, arterial, nasal septal|鼻中隔の動脈網 Nose, external, cartilages of|外耳の軟骨 Nose, septum of|鼻中隔の骨格 Nose, vestibule of|鼻前庭 Olfactory bulb|嗅球 Olfactory tract|嗅索 Palate, glands of|口蓋腺 Palate, hard|硬口蓋 Septum (Septa), nasal|鼻中隔 Septum (Septa), nasal, cartilaginous|訳語 Sinus(es), frontal|前頭洞 《副鼻腔》 Sinus(es), sphenoid|蝶形骨洞 《副鼻腔》 Tonsil(s), pharyngeal|咽頭扁桃 Tract, olfactory|嗅索 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨 Uvula, of soft palate|口蓋垂 Vestibule, of mouth|口腔前庭 Vestibule, of nose|鼻前庭
Fig. 693: The Pterygopalatine Ganglion and its Branches
    Artery (arteries), carotid, external|外頚動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, internal|内頚動脈 Artery (arteries), ethmoid, anterior|前篩骨動脈 Artery (arteries), maxillary|上顎動脈 Artery (arteries), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋枝 《動脈》 Artery (arteries), nasopalatine|(非)鼻口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), of pterygoid canal|翼突管動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, ascending|上行口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, descending|下行口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, greater|大口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, lesser|小口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), sphenopalatine|蝶口蓋動脈 Bone(s), mandible|下顎骨 Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Concha(e), nasal, inferior|下鼻道 Concha(e), nasal, middle|中鼻道 Concha(e), nasal, superior|上鼻道 Ganglion (Ganglia), cervical, superior|上頚神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), pterygopalatine|翼口蓋神経節 Ganglion (Ganglia), pterygopalatine, branches of|訳語 Muscle(s), digastric|顎二腹筋 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ舌筋 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ舌骨筋 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋 Muscle(s), pterygoid, medial|内側翼突筋 Nerve(s), alveolar, inferior|下歯槽神経 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Nerve(s), ethmoid, anterior|前篩骨神経 Nerve(s), lingual|舌神経 Nerve(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋神経 Nerve(s), nasopalatine|鼻口蓋神経 Nerve(s), of pterygoid canal|翼突管の神経 Nerve(s), palatine|口蓋の神経 Nerve(s), palatine, greater|大口蓋神経 Nerve(s), palatine, posterior|後口蓋神経 Nerve(s), petrosal, deep|深錐体神経 Nerve(s), petrosal, greater|大錐体神経 Nerve(s), trigeminal|三叉神経 Nose, conchae of|鼻甲介 Plexus, carotid|内頚動脈神経叢 Sinus(es), sphenoid|蝶形骨洞 《副鼻腔》 Tooth(Teeth)|歯 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨 Uvula, of soft palate|口蓋垂
Fig. 746: The Left Side of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx, Viewed From the Right, Stage 1: Muscles in the Nasopharynx and Oropharynx and the Nerves and Vessels at the Base of the Tongue and Within the Oral Cavity
    Artery (arteries), of pterygoid canal|翼突管動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, ascending|上行口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, ascending, dorsal lingual branch|舌背枝 Artery (arteries), palatine, lesser, tonsillar branch|扁桃枝 Artery (arteries), sublingual|(非)舌下動脈 Aryepiglottic fold|披裂喉頭蓋ヒダ Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Caruncle, sublingual|舌下小丘 Cavity, oral|口腔 Duct(s), parotid, opening of|耳下腺管の開口 Duct(s), sublingual, greater|大舌下腺管 Duct(s), sublingual, smaller|小舌下腺管 Duct(s), submandiblar|顎下腺管 Epiglottis|喉頭蓋 Fascia(e), prevertebral|頚筋膜椎前葉 Fold(s), aryepiglottic|披裂喉頭蓋ヒダ Fold(s), pharyngoepiglottic|訳語 Ganglion (Ganglia), submandibular|顎下神経節 Gland(s), palatine|口蓋腺 Gland(s), sublingual|舌下腺 Gland(s), submandibular|顎下腺 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Hamulus, pterygoid|翼突鈎 Laryngopharynx|訳語 Ligament(s), thyroepiglottic|訳語 Membrane, pharyngobasilar|咽頭頭底板 Mucosa, nasopharyngeal|鼻咽頭の粘膜 Mucosa, oral|口腔の粘膜 Muscle(s), buccinator|頬筋 Muscle(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状筋 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ舌筋 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ舌骨筋 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋 Muscle(s), palatoglossus|口蓋舌筋 Muscle(s), palatopharyngeus|口蓋咽頭筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), salpingopharyngeus|耳管咽頭筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Muscle(s), tensor veli palatini|口蓋帆張筋 Nasopharynx|鼻咽頭 Nasopharynx, mucosa of|鼻咽頭の粘膜 Nasopharynx, muscles in|鼻咽頭の筋 Nerve(s), glossopharyngeal|舌咽神経 Nerve(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Nerve(s), lingual|舌神経 Nerve(s), lingual, branches of|訳語 Nerve(s), of pterygoid canal|翼突管の神経 Nerve(s), sublingual*|舌下神経 の方がよい Oral cavity|口腔 Oral cavity, mucosa of|口腔粘膜 Oral cavity, vessels and nerves of|口腔の血管・神経 Oropharynx|口腔咽頭 Oropharynx, muscles in|訳語 Palate, glands of|口蓋腺 Papilla(e), foliate|舌の葉状乳頭 Pharyngoepiglottic fold|咽頭後頭蓋ヒダ Pharynx|咽頭 Pterygoid canal, nerve and artery of|訳語 Pterygoid process, of sphenoid bone|蝶形骨の翼状突起 Pterygoid process, lamina of, medial|翼状突起の内側板 Pterygoid process, lamina of, medial, hamulus of|翼状突起の翼突鈎 Raphe, pterygomandibular|翼突下顎縫線 Tongue|舌 Tongue, vessels and nerves at base of tongue|訳語 Tonsil(s), palatine|口蓋扁桃 Tonsil(s), pharyngeal|咽頭扁桃 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨 Tube, auditory, openings of|耳管咽頭口
Fig. 747: The Left Side of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx, Viewed From the Right, Stage 2:Exposure of the Pharyngeal, Palatine and Oral Vessels and Nerves After Dissection of the Pharyngeal Muscles and Mucosa
    Aponeurosis, palatal|口蓋腱膜 Aponeurosis, palatal, palatine|口蓋腱膜 Artery (arteries), palatine, ascending|上行口蓋動脈 Artery (arteries), palatine, ascending, dorsal lingual branch|舌背枝 Artery (arteries), pharyngeal, ascending|上行咽頭動脈 Artery (arteries), sublingual|(非)舌下動脈 Cartilage(s), cricoid|輪状軟骨 Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Cartilage(s), thyroid|甲状軟骨 Cavity, oral|口腔 Clivus|斜台 Duct(s), parotid, opening of|耳下腺管の開口 Duct(s), sublingual, greater|大舌下腺管 Duct(s), submandiblar|顎下腺管 Fascia(e), prevertebral|頚筋膜椎前葉 Ganglion (Ganglia), submandibular|顎下神経節 Gland(s), palatine|口蓋腺 Gland(s), parotid|耳下腺 Gland(s), sublingual|舌下腺 Gland(s), submandibular|顎下腺 Hamulus, pterygoid|翼突鈎 Ligament(s), pterygospinous|訳語 Ligament(s), sphenomandibular|蝶下顎靭帯 Ligament(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨靭帯 Ligament(s), stylomandibular|茎突下顎靭帯 Ligament(s), thyroepiglottic|訳語 Lymph nodes, retropharyngeal|咽頭後リンパ節、ルピエールリンパ節 Mucosa, of palate|口蓋の粘膜 Mucous membrane, of hard palate|硬口蓋の粘膜 Muscle(s), buccinator|頬筋 Muscle(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状筋 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ舌筋 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ舌骨筋 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), longus capitis|頭長筋 Muscle(s), longus colli|頚長筋 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|顎舌骨筋 Muscle(s), palatoglossus|口蓋舌筋 Muscle(s), palatopharyngeus|口蓋咽頭筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, middle|中咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngoepiglottic|咽頭喉頭蓋筋 Muscle(s), pterygoid, medial|内側翼突筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋 Muscle(s), tensor veli palatini|口蓋帆張筋 Nasopharynx|鼻咽頭 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Nerve(s), glossopharyngeal|舌咽神経 Nerve(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経 Nerve(s), lingual|舌神経 Nerve(s), lingual, branches of|訳語 Nerve(s), palatine, greater|大口蓋神経 Nerve(s), palatine, lesser|小口蓋神経 Nerve(s), pharyngeal|咽頭の神経 Nerve(s), sublingual*|舌下神経 の方がよい Nerve(s), to pterygoid muscle, medial|内側翼突筋への神経 Nerve(s), to tensor veli palatini muscle|口蓋帆張筋への神経 Oral cavity|口腔 Oral cavity, mucosa of|口腔粘膜 Oral cavity, vessels and nerves of|口腔の血管・神経 Oropharynx|口腔咽頭 Palate, glands of|口蓋腺 Palate, hard|硬口蓋 Palate, mucosa of|口蓋粘膜 Palate, nerves of|口蓋の神経 Palate, soft|軟口蓋 Palate, vessels of|口蓋の血管 Pharynx|咽頭 Pharynx, muscular wall of|訳語 Pharynx, vessels and nerves of|訳語 Plate(s), pterygoid, medial, hamulus of|翼状突起内側板の鈎 Pterygoid plate, hamulus of|翼突鈎 Pterygoid process, lamina of, medial|翼状突起の内側板 Raphe, pterygomandibular|翼突下顎縫線 Sinus(es), sphenoid|蝶形骨洞 《副鼻腔》 Space(s), retropharyngeal|咽頭後隙 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨 Vein(s), sublingual|訳語 Vessels, palatine, greater|大口蓋動静脈 Vessels, palatine, lesser|小口蓋動静脈 Vessels, pharyngeal|咽頭の動静脈
Fig. 753: Muscles of the Soft Palate, Pharynx and Posterior Larynx
    Aryepiglottic fold|披裂喉頭蓋ヒダ Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|舌骨大角 Bone(s), temporal, process of, styloid|茎状突起 Cartilage(s), corniculate, tubercle of|小角結節 Cartilage(s), cuneiform|楔状軟骨 Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Cartilage(s), thyroid, horn of, superior|上角 Cartilage(s), tracheal|気管軟骨 Epiglottis|喉頭蓋 Esophagus|食道 Fascia(e), pharyngobasilar|咽頭頭底板 Fold(s), aryepiglottic|披裂喉頭蓋ヒダ Fold(s), pharyngoepiglottic|訳語 Foramen cecum|(内頭蓋底の)盲孔 Gland(s), parathyroid|副甲状腺 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Larynx, entrance into|訳語 Ligament(s), sphenomandibular|蝶下顎靭帯 Muscle(s), aryepiglottic|披裂喉頭蓋筋 Muscle(s), arytenoid, oblique|斜披裂筋 Muscle(s), arytenoid, transverse|横披裂筋 Muscle(s), cricoarytenoid, posterior|後輪状披裂筋 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), of larynx|喉頭の筋 Muscle(s), of pharynx|咽頭の筋 Muscle(s), of soft palate|軟口蓋の筋 Muscle(s), of uvula|口蓋垂の筋 Muscle(s), palatopharyngeus|口蓋咽頭筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngoepiglottic|咽頭喉頭蓋筋 Muscle(s), pterygoid, medial|内側翼突筋 Muscle(s), salpingopharyngeus|耳管咽頭筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋 Muscle(s), tensor veli palatini|口蓋帆張筋 Nerve(s), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭神経 Nose, septum of|鼻中隔の骨格 Papilla(e), vallate|(舌の)有郭乳頭 Pharyngoepiglottic fold|咽頭後頭蓋ヒダ Piriform recess|梨状陥凹 Recess, piriform|梨状陥凹 Root(s), of tongue|舌根 Septum (Septa), nasal|鼻中隔 Sulcus terminalis, of tongue|舌の分界溝 Synchondrosis, petro-occipital|訳語 Tendon(s), cricoesophageal|(非)輪状食道腱膜 Tendon(s), of tensor veli palatini muscle|口蓋帆張筋の腱 Tongue, dorsum of|舌背 Tongue, root of|舌根 Tonsil(s), lingual|舌扁桃 Tonsil(s), palatine|口蓋扁桃 Tonsil(s), pharyngeal|咽頭扁桃 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨 Tube, auditory, openings of|耳管咽頭口 Tubercle, corniculate|小角結節 Uvula, of soft palate|口蓋垂 Vallate papillae|有郭乳頭 Vessels, laryngeal, superior|上喉頭動静脈
Fig. 780: Frontal Section Through Left External, Middle and Internal Ear
    Bone(s), incus, crus of, short|キヌタ骨短脚 Bone(s), malleus, head of|ツチ骨頭 Bone(s), malleus, process of, lateral|外側突起 Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Crus (Crura), short, of incus|訳語 Ear|耳 Ear, malleolar processes of|訳語 Epitympanic recess|(鼓室の)上陥凹 Ligament(s), malleolar, lateral|訳語 Ligament(s), malleolar, superior|訳語 Ligament(s), posterior, of incus|訳語 Ligament(s), superior, of malleus|訳語 Malleolar processes, of ear|ツチ骨突起 Manubrium, of malleus|ツチ骨柄 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), tensor tympani|鼓膜張筋 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Recess, epitympanic|鼓室の上陥凹 Tube, auditory|耳管 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨