Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 663: The Lateral Wall of the Right Orbital Cavity and a Medial View of the Pterygopalatine Fossa
    Bone(s), frontal, surface of internal|訳語 Bone(s), parietal|頭頂骨 Bone(s), sphenoid, body of|訳語 Bone(s), sphenoid, process of, pterygoid|翼状突起 Bone(s), sphenoid, wing of, lesser|小翼(しょうよく) Bone(s), temporal|側頭骨 Canal(s), infraorbital|眼窩下管 Canal(s), palatine, greater|大口蓋管 Canal(s), pterygoid|翼突管 Foramen (Foramina), zygomatico-orbital|頬骨眼窩孔 Foramen rotundum|正円孔 Fossa, pterygopalatine, medial view|内側観 Hamulus, pterygoid|翼突鈎 Orbital cavity, bony|訳語 Orbital cavity, wall of, lateral|訳語 Pterygoid canal|翼突管 Sinus(es), maxillary|上顎洞 《副鼻腔》 Sinus(es), sphenoid|蝶形骨洞 《副鼻腔》 Socket(s), for teeth|歯槽 Suture, sphenofrontal|訳語 Tooth(Teeth), sockets for|歯槽 Tubercle, of rectus muscle, lateral, origin of|訳語 Wing(s), of sphenoid bone|蝶形骨大翼・小翼