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Fig. 673: Sagittal View of the Orbital Cavity and Eyeball
    Conjunctiva, fornix of, inferior|下結膜円蓋 Conjunctiva, fornix of, superior|上結膜円蓋 Eye, septum of, orbital|眼窩隔膜 Eye, tarsi of|瞼板の Eyeball, view of, salgittal|訳語 Fascia(e), bulbar|訳語 Fascia(e), of inferior oblique muscle|内腹斜筋の筋膜 Fat pad, orbital|眼窩脂肪体 Fornix, of conjunctiva|結膜円蓋 Muscle(s), levator palpebrae superioris|上眼瞼挙筋 Muscle(s), oblique, inferior|下斜筋《外眼筋》 Muscle(s), ocular|外眼筋 Muscle(s), rectus, inferior|下直筋《外眼筋》 Muscle(s), rectus, superior|上直筋《外眼筋》 Nerve(s), optic|視神経 Orbital septum|眼窩隔膜 Septum (Septa), orbital|眼窩隔膜 Sheath(s), optic nerve|視神経鞘 Space(s), intervaginal|訳語 Tarsus, inferior, of eyelid|下瞼板 Tarsus, superior, of eyelid|上瞼板 Tendon(s), of rectus muscle, inferior|(眼の)下直筋の腱