Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 680: Horizontal Section of the Human Eyeball Through the Optic Nerve and Disc
    Angle, iridocorneal|(臨)隅角、(解)虹彩角膜角 Canal(s), Schlemm's|シュレム管 Chorioid|脈絡膜、(臨)ブドウ膜 Ciliary body|(眼の)毛様体 Ciliary body, pigmented layer of|訳語 Conjunctiva|結膜 Cornea|角膜 Cornea, epithelium of, anterior|訳語 Cornea, membranes of, limiting|訳語 Disc, optic|視神経乳頭 Eye, chamber of, anterior|前眼房 Eye, chamber of, posterior|後眼房 Eye, chamber of, vitreous|硝子体眼房 Eye, space of, intervaginal|訳語 Eyeball, diameter of , equatorial|訳語 Eyeball, pole of, anterior|訳語 Eyeball, pole of, posterior|訳語 Eyeball, section of, horizontal|訳語 Eyeball, tunic of|眼球の層[層構成] Eyeball, tunic of, middle vascular|訳語 Eyeball, tunic of, outer fibrous|訳語 Fibers, zonular|毛様体の輪状線維 Intersection, of ocular axis and visual axis|訳語 Iridocorneal angle|虹彩隔膜角(偶角) Iris|虹彩 Iris, surface of, anterior|訳語 Lens, pole of, anterior|訳語 Lens, pole of, posterior|訳語 Ligament(s), pectinate, at iridocorneal angle|訳語 Muscle(s), ciliary|毛様体筋 Muscle(s), rectus, medial|内(側)直筋《外眼筋》 Muscle(s), sphincter, pupillary|瞳孔括約筋 Optic disc|視神経乳頭 Ora serrata|(網膜の)鋸状縁 Pars iridica retinae|網膜虹彩部 Pars optica retinae|網膜視部 Perichorioidal space|訳語 Retina, ciliary part|網膜毛様体部 Retina, pigmented layer of|網膜色素上皮層 Sclera|(眼の)強膜 Sclera, cribriform area of|強膜の篩伏野 Sheath(s), optic nerve|視神経鞘 Sinus venosus, of sclera|訳語 Space(s), intervaginal|訳語 Space(s), perichorioidal|訳語 Vertex, corneal|訳語