Lists of the Captions of the Figures

[浩浮瑚]      [LAMeN ホ〖ムペ〖ジ]
Fig. 698: The Mandible as seen from Below
    Angle, of mandible|布耻逞 Bone(s), mandible|布耻裹 Bone(s), mandible, angle of|布耻逞 Bone(s), mandible, body of, depression of, sublingual|厘布粒爿 Bone(s), mandible, body of, depression of, submandibular|耻布粒爿 Bone(s), mandible, head of|布耻片 Bone(s), mandible, lingula of|布耻井厘 Bone(s), mandible, neck of|条胳 Bone(s), mandible, process of, condyloid|簇泪仆弹 Bone(s), sphenoid, tuberosity of, pterygoid|条胳 Foramen (Foramina), mandibular|布耻功 Line, mylohyoid|条胳 Lingula, of mandible|布耻井厘 Spine(s), genioglossal|条胳 Spine(s), mental|条胳 Tooth(Teeth)|货 Tuberosity, pterygoid, of sphenoid bone|条胳
Fig. 699: The Mandibular Arch and the Lower Teeth (from Above)
    Arch(es), mandibular|(润)布耻递 Bicuspid tooth|企理片货 Bone(s), mandible, arch of|条胳 Canine tooth|磊货、袱货 Foramen (Foramina), mandibular|布耻功 Foramen (Foramina), mental|オトガイ功 Gum|≡Gingivaは漓嚏脱胳≌ 货迄 Incisors|磊货、袱货 Mental foramen|オトガイ功 Molar teeth|络北货 Mucosa, oral|庚剐の谴遂 Nerve(s), laryngeal, recurrent|瓤搀坷沸 Oral cavity, mucosa of|庚剐谴遂 Premolar teeth|井北货 Tooth(Teeth)|货 Tooth(Teeth), bicuspid|条胳 Tooth(Teeth), canine|条胳 Tooth(Teeth), incisor|磊货 Tooth(Teeth), molar|络北货 Tooth(Teeth), premolar|井北货
Fig. 700: Right Mandible, Inner Surface
    Angle, of mandible|布耻逞 Bone(s), mandible, angle of|布耻逞 Bone(s), mandible, body of|布耻挛 Bone(s), mandible, head of|布耻片 Bone(s), mandible, lingula of|布耻井厘 Bone(s), mandible, notch of|条胳 Bone(s), mandible, process of, condyloid|簇泪仆弹 Bone(s), mandible, process of, coronoid|囤仆弹 Bone(s), mandible, ramus of|布耻晦 Bone(s), sphenoid, tuberosity of, pterygoid|条胳 Foramen (Foramina), mandibular|布耻功 Fossa, digastric|(润)企盛囤爿 Fovea, sublingual|条胳 Fovea, submandibular|条胳 Groove(s), mylohyoid|条胳 Line, mylohyoid|条胳 Lingula, of mandible|布耻井厘 Mandibular notch|布耻磊函 Notch, mandibular|布耻磊函 Ramus (Rami), of mandible|布耻晦 Retromolar triangle|北稿话逞 Spine(s), genioglossal|条胳 Spine(s), mental|条胳 Tooth(Teeth)|货 Triangle(s), retromolar|北稿话逞 Tuberosity, pterygoid, of sphenoid bone|条胳
Fig. 728: The Mylohyoid and Geniohyoid Muscles (Viewed from Above)
    Angle, of mandible|布耻逞 Artery (arteries), facial|撮烫瓢坍 Bone(s), frontal, surface of internal, orbital|淬爿烫 Bone(s), hyoid, body of|厘裹挛 Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|厘裹络逞 Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, lesser|厘裹井逞 Bone(s), lacrimal|无裹 Bone(s), mandible, angle of|布耻逞 Bone(s), mandible, body of|布耻挛 Bone(s), mandible, process of, coronoid|囤仆弹 Bone(s), mandible, ramus of|布耻晦 Bone(s), sphenoid, wing of, greater|络豌(たいよく) Fissure, orbital, orbital, superior|惧淬爿析 Foramen (Foramina), mandibular|布耻功 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ厘囤 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ厘裹囤 Muscle(s), mylohyoid|耻厘裹囤 Ramus (Rami), of mandible|布耻晦 Spine(s), genioglossal|条胳 Wing(s), of sphenoid bone|某妨裹络豌ˇ井豌