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Fig. 743: Dorsal surface of the Tongue
    Arch(es), palatoglossal|口蓋舌弓、(臨)前口蓋弓 Crypts tonsillar|扁桃陰窩 Epiglottis|喉頭蓋 Epiglottis, vallecula of|喉頭蓋谷 Fold(s), glossoepiglottic, lateral|外側舌咽頭蓋ヒダ Fold(s), glossoepiglottic, median|正中舌咽頭蓋ヒダ Fold(s), triangular|口蓋扁桃の三角ヒダ Follicle(s), lingual|舌小胞 Funtanelle, anterior|大泉門 Foramen cecum|(内頭蓋底の)盲孔 Muscle(s), palatoglossus|口蓋舌筋 Muscle(s), palatopharyngeus|口蓋咽頭筋 Palatoglossal arch|口蓋舌弓 Papilla(e), conical|訳語 Papilla(e), filiform|舌の糸状乳頭 Papilla(e), foliate|舌の葉状乳頭 Papilla(e), fungiform|舌の茸状乳頭 Papilla(e), vallate|(舌の)有郭乳頭 Root(s), of tongue|舌根 Sulcus (Sulci), lingual, median|訳語 Sulcus terminalis, of tongue|舌の分界溝 Tongue|舌 Tongue, apex of|舌尖 Tongue, dorsum of|舌背 Tongue, root of|舌根 Tonsil(s), lingual|舌扁桃 Tonsil(s), palatine|口蓋扁桃 Vallecula, of epiglottis|喉頭蓋谷