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Fig. 750: Dorsal View of the Pharyngeal Muscles
    Air cells, ethmoid|蜂巣、篩骨蜂巣 Air cells, mastoid|乳突蜂巣 Bone(s), hyoid, horn of, greater|舌骨大角 Bone(s), mandible|下顎骨 Cells, air, ethmoid|篩骨蜂巣 Cells, air, mastoid|乳突蜂巣 Clivus|斜台 Dorsum sellae|鞍背(あんぱい) Esophagus|食道 Fascia(e), pharyngobasilar|咽頭頭底板 Foramen (Foramina), stylomastoid|茎乳突孔 Gland(s), parathyroid|副甲状腺 Gland(s), pharyngeal|咽頭の粘膜腺 Gland(s), submandibular|顎下腺 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Ligament(s), sphenomandibular|蝶下顎靭帯 Ligament(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨靭帯 Ligament(s), stylomandibular|茎突下顎靭帯 Muscle(s), digastric, posterior belly of|後腹 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, middle|中咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, superior|上咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), pterygoid, lateral|外側翼突筋 Muscle(s), pterygoid, medial|内側翼突筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Muscle(s), stylohyoid|茎突舌骨筋 Muscle(s), stylopharyngeus|茎突咽頭筋 Pharynx|咽頭 Raphe, pharyngeal|咽頭縫線 Synchondrosis, petro-occipital|訳語 Trachea|気管