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Fig. 756: Ventral View of Larynx, Tongue and Thyroid Gland: Vessels and Nerves
    Artery (arteries), carotid, common|総頚動脈 Artery (arteries), carotid, external|外頚動脈 Artery (arteries), laryngeal, superior|上喉頭動脈 Artery (arteries), lingual|舌動脈 Artery (arteries), sublingual|(非)舌下動脈 Artery (arteries), thyroid, inferior|下甲状腺動脈 Artery (arteries), thyroid, superior|上甲状腺動脈 Bone(s), hyoid|舌骨 Cartilage(s), thyroid|甲状軟骨 Gland(s), sublingual|舌下腺 Gland(s), thyroid|甲状腺 Gland(s), thyroid, isthmus of|甲状腺の峡 Isthmus, of thyroid gland|甲状腺の峡部 Larynx|喉頭 Ligament(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状靭帯 Membrane, thyrohyoid|甲状舌骨膜 Muscle(s), cricothyroid|輪状甲状筋 Muscle(s), genioglossus|オトガイ舌筋 Muscle(s), geniohyoid|オトガイ舌骨筋 Muscle(s), hyoglossus|舌骨舌筋 Muscle(s), pharyngeal constrictor, inferior|下咽頭収縮筋 Muscle(s), styloglossus|茎突舌筋 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Nerve(s), hypoglossal|舌下神経 Nerve(s), laryngeal, internal|内枝 Nerve(s), lingual|舌神経 Nerve(s), sublingual*|舌下神経 の方がよい Plica fimbriata|采状ヒダ Tongue|舌 Trachea|気管 Vein(s), lingual|舌静脈 Vein(s), lingual, deep|舌深静脈 Vein(s), sublingual|訳語