Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 780: Frontal Section Through Left External, Middle and Internal Ear
    Bone(s), incus, crus of, short|キヌタ骨短脚 Bone(s), malleus, head of|ツチ骨頭 Bone(s), malleus, process of, lateral|外側突起 Cartilage(s), of auditory tube|耳管軟骨 Crus (Crura), short, of incus|訳語 Ear|耳 Ear, malleolar processes of|訳語 Epitympanic recess|(鼓室の)上陥凹 Ligament(s), malleolar, lateral|訳語 Ligament(s), malleolar, superior|訳語 Ligament(s), posterior, of incus|訳語 Ligament(s), superior, of malleus|訳語 Malleolar processes, of ear|ツチ骨突起 Manubrium, of malleus|ツチ骨柄 Muscle(s), levator veli palatini|口蓋帆挙筋 Muscle(s), tensor tympani|鼓膜張筋 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Recess, epitympanic|鼓室の上陥凹 Tube, auditory|耳管 Tube, auditory, cartilage of|耳管軟骨
Fig. 784: Labeled Diagram of Fig. 783
    Bone(s), incus, crus of, long|キヌタ骨長脚 Bone(s), stapes, crus of, posterior|後脚 Crus (Crura), long, of incus|訳語 Crus (Crura), posterior, of stapes|訳語 Ear|耳 Ear, malleolar processes of|訳語 Fold(s), malleolar|訳語 Fossa, of cochlear window|訳語 Fovea centralis|訳語 Malleolar processes, of ear|ツチ骨突起 Manubrium, of malleus|ツチ骨柄 Meatus, acoustic, external|外耳道 Membrane, tympanic|鼓膜 Membrane, tympanic, pars tensa of|緊張部 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Pars tensa, of tympanic membrane|鼓膜の緊張部 Promontory, of tympanic cavity|鼓室の岬角 Ring, fibrocartilaginous, of tympanic membrane|訳語 Sulcus (Sulci), tympanic|訳語 Tympanic membrane|鼓膜 Umbilicus, Umbo|鼓膜の臍、ウンボ Vessels, laryngeal, superior|上喉頭動静脈
Fig. 786: Lateral Wall of the Right Middle Ear (Tympanic Membrane Viewed from within the Tympanic Cavity)
    Bone(s), temporal, part of, squamous|側頭鱗 Ear|耳 Ear, malleolar processes of|訳語 Ear, middle ear, wall of, lateral|訳語 Epitympanic recess|(鼓室の)上陥凹 Fold(s), malleolar|訳語 Malleolar processes, of ear|ツチ骨突起 Manubrium, of malleus|ツチ骨柄 Membrane, tympanic|鼓膜 Membrane, tympanic, pars flaccida of|弛緩部 Membrane, tympanic, pars tensa of|緊張部 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Notch, of Rivinus|鼓膜のリビウス切痕 Notch, tympanic|訳語 Opening(s), tympanic, for auditory tube|耳管鼓室口 Pars flaccida, of tympanic membrane|鼓膜の弛緩部 Pars tensa, of tympanic membrane|鼓膜の緊張部 Recess, epitympanic|鼓室の上陥凹 Ring, fibrocartilaginous, of tympanic membrane|訳語 Spine(s), tympanic, greater|訳語 Spine(s), tympanic, lesser|訳語 Tube, auditory, tympanic opening for|耳管鼓室口 Tympanic membrane|鼓膜 Tympanic notch|鼓膜切痕
Fig. 791: Lateral Wall of the Right Tympanic Cavity (Viewed From the Medial Aspect)
    Bone(s), incus, body of|キヌタ骨体 Bone(s), incus, crus of, long|キヌタ骨長脚 Bone(s), incus, crus of, short|キヌタ骨短脚 Bone(s), incus, fossa for|訳語 Bone(s), incus, ligaments of, superior|訳語 Bone(s), incus, process of, lenticular|訳語 Bone(s), malleus, head of|ツチ骨頭 Bone(s), malleus, ligament of|訳語 Bone(s), malleus, manubrium of|ツチ骨柄 Canal(s), carotid|頚動脈管 Canal(s), musculotubal, septum of|筋耳管管の中隔 Cochleariform process|訳語 Crus (Crura), long, of incus|訳語 Crus (Crura), short, of incus|訳語 Ear|耳 Ear, malleolar processes of|訳語 Epitympanic recess|(鼓室の)上陥凹 Fascia(e), of tensor tympani muscle|鼓膜張筋の筋膜 Fold(s), malleolar, posterior|訳語 Fossa, for incus|訳語 Lenticular process, of incus|訳語 Ligament(s), malleolar, superior|訳語 Ligament(s), posterior, of incus|訳語 Ligament(s), superior, of incus|訳語 Ligament(s), superior, of malleus|訳語 Malleolar processes, of ear|ツチ骨突起 Malleolar processes, of ear, anterior|訳語 Manubrium, of malleus|ツチ骨柄 Membrane, tympanic|鼓膜 Muscle(s), tensor tympani|鼓膜張筋 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Nerve(s), facial|顔面神経 Opening(s), tympanic, for auditory tube|耳管鼓室口 Recess, epitympanic|鼓室の上陥凹 Ring, fibrocartilaginous, of tympanic membrane|訳語 Septum (Septa), of musculotubal canal|筋耳管管(側頭骨の)中隔 Septum canalis, musculotubarii|筋耳管管(側頭骨の)中隔 Tendon(s), of tensor tympani muscle|鼓膜張筋の腱 Tube, auditory|耳管 Tube, auditory, tympanic opening for|耳管鼓室口 Tympanic cavity|鼓室 Tympanic cavity, wall of, lateral|鼓室の外側壁 Tympanic membrane|鼓膜
Fig. 797: Right Auditory Ossicles
    Bone(s), incus, body of|キヌタ骨体 Bone(s), incus, crus of, long|キヌタ骨長脚 Bone(s), incus, crus of, short|キヌタ骨短脚 Bone(s), malleus, head of|ツチ骨頭 Bone(s), malleus, process of, lateral|外側突起 Bone(s), stapes, base of|訳語 Bone(s), stapes, crus of, anterior|前脚 Bone(s), stapes, crus of, posterior|後脚 Canal(s), semicircular, lateral|外半規管 Crus (Crura), anterior, of stapes|訳語 Crus (Crura), long, of incus|訳語 Crus (Crura), posterior, of stapes|訳語 Crus (Crura), short, of incus|訳語 Ear|耳 Ear, malleolar processes of|訳語 Ear, middle ear, ossicles of|耳小骨 Joint(s), incudomalleolar|ツチキヌタ関節 Joint(s), incudostapedial|アブミキヌタ関節 Malleolar processes, of ear|ツチ骨突起 Manubrium, of malleus|ツチ骨柄 Ossicles, of middle ear|耳小骨 Promontory, of tympanic cavity|鼓室の岬角