Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 781: Frontal Section Through Right External and Middle Ear
    Bone(s), incus, body of|キヌタ骨体 Bone(s), malleus, head of|ツチ骨頭 Bone(s), stapes|アブミ骨 Canal(s), carotid|頚動脈管 Chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Cochleariform process|訳語 Cupula, of recess, epitympanic|鼓室上陥凹の頂 Ear|耳 Epitympanic recess|(鼓室の)上陥凹 Fold(s), malleolar|訳語 Ligament(s), malleolar, lateral|訳語 Ligament(s), malleolar, superior|訳語 Ligament(s), superior, of malleus|訳語 Manubrium, of malleus|ツチ骨柄 Muscle(s), tensor tympani|鼓膜張筋 Nerve(s), chorda tympani|鼓索神経 Promontory, of tympanic cavity|鼓室の岬角 Recess, epitympanic|鼓室の上陥凹 Recess, superior, of tympanic membrane|訳語 Ring, fibrocartilaginous, of tympanic membrane|訳語 Sulcus (Sulci), tympanic|訳語 Tendon(s), of tensor tympani muscle|鼓膜張筋の腱 Tympanic cavity|鼓室 Umbilicus, Umbo|鼓膜の臍、ウンボ