Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 82: Sagittal Section of the Left Elbow Joint
    Artery (arteries), brachial|上腕動脈 Articular capsule, of elbow joint|肘関節の関節包 Bone(s), humerus, body of|上腕骨体 Bone(s), humerus, fossa of, coronoid|鈎突窩(こうとつか) Bone(s), humerus, fossa of, olecranon|肘頭窩(ちゅうとうか) Bone(s), humerus, trochlea of|上腕骨滑車 Bursa(e), of olecranon|肘頭の滑液包 Elbow, joint of, section of, sagittal|訳語 Fossa, coronoid, of humerus|上腕骨の鈎突窩(こうとつか) Fossa, olecranon|肘頭窩 Joint(s), elbow, articular capsule of|肘関節の関節包 Joint(s), elbow, sagittal section of|肘関節の矢状断 Muscle(s), biceps brachii|上腕二頭筋 Muscle(s), brachialis|上腕筋 Muscle(s), triceps|上腕三頭筋 Tendon(s), of triceps brachii muscle|上腕三頭筋の腱 Trochlea, of humerus|上腕骨滑車 Vein(s), cubital, median|肘正中皮静脈
Fig. 83: The Left Humerus
    Bone(s), humerus|上腕骨 Bone(s), humerus, body of|上腕骨体 Bone(s), humerus, epicondyle of, lateral|上腕外側上顆 Bone(s), humerus, epicondyle of, medial|上腕内側上顆 Bone(s), humerus, fossa of, olecranon|肘頭窩(ちゅうとうか) Bone(s), humerus, groove, radial|橈骨神経溝 Bone(s), humerus, head of|上腕骨頭 Bone(s), humerus, neck of, anatomical|解剖頚 Bone(s), humerus, neck of, surgical|外科頚 Bone(s), humerus, trochlea of|上腕骨滑車 Bone(s), humerus, tubercle of, greater|大結節 Fossa, olecranon|肘頭窩 Groove(s), radial|訳語 Neck, root of|頚のつけね《頚胸移行部》 Sulcus terminalis, of ulnar nerve, on humerus|訳語 Trochlea, of humerus|上腕骨滑車 Tubercle, greater, of humerus|上腕骨の大結節
Fig. 96: Roentgenogram of the Left Elbow Joint in an Adult, Lateral Projection
    Bone(s), humerus, body of|上腕骨体 Bone(s), humerus, capitulum of|上腕骨小頭 Bone(s), humerus, epicondyle of, medial|上腕内側上顆 Bone(s), humerus, fossa of, olecranon|肘頭窩(ちゅうとうか) Bone(s), humerus, fossa of, radial|橈骨窩 Bone(s), humerus, trochlea of|上腕骨滑車 Bone(s), radius|橈骨(とうこつ) Bone(s), radius, body of|訳語 Bone(s), radius, head of|橈骨頭 Bone(s), radius, neck of|訳語 Bone(s), radius, tuberosity of|橈骨粗面 Bone(s), ulna, notch of, trochlear|滑車切痕 Bone(s), ulna, olecranon|肘頭(ちゅうとう) Capitulum, of humerus|上腕骨小頭 Elbow, joint of, roentgenogram of|訳語 Fossa, olecranon|肘頭窩 Fossa, radial, of humerus|訳語 Joint(s), elbow, roentgenogram of|訳語 Trochlea, of humerus|上腕骨滑車 Tuberosity, of radius|橈骨粗面
Fig. 97: Roentgenogram of the Right Elbow Joint in an Adult(A-P Projection)
    Bone(s), humerus, body of|上腕骨体 Bone(s), humerus, capitulum of|上腕骨小頭 Bone(s), humerus, epicondyle of, lateral|上腕外側上顆 Bone(s), humerus, epicondyle of, medial|上腕内側上顆 Bone(s), humerus, fossa of, olecranon|肘頭窩(ちゅうとうか) Bone(s), humerus, trochlea of|上腕骨滑車 Bone(s), radius|橈骨(とうこつ) Bone(s), radius, body of|訳語 Bone(s), radius, head of|橈骨頭 Bone(s), radius, neck of|訳語 Bone(s), radius, tuberosity of|橈骨粗面 Bone(s), ulna|尺骨 Bone(s), ulna, olecranon|肘頭(ちゅうとう) Capitulum, of humerus|上腕骨小頭 Elbow, joint of, roentgenogram of|訳語 Fossa, olecranon|肘頭窩 Joint(s), elbow, roentgenogram of|訳語 Trochlea, of humerus|上腕骨滑車 Tuberosity, of radius|橈骨粗面