Lists of the Captions of the Figures

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Fig. 91: The Left Elbow Joint, Anterior View
    Articular capsule, of elbow joint|肘関節の関節包 Bone(s), humerus, body of|上腕骨体 Bone(s), humerus, epicondyle of, lateral|上腕外側上顆 Bone(s), humerus, epicondyle of, medial|上腕内側上顆 Bone(s), radius|橈骨(とうこつ) Bone(s), radius, head of|橈骨頭 Bone(s), ulna|尺骨 Cord, oblique|訳語 Elbow, joint of|肘関節 Joint(s), elbow, anterior|訳語 Joint(s), elbow, articular capsule of|肘関節の関節包 Ligament(s), annular, of radius|橈骨輪状靭帯 Ligament(s), collateral, radial|橈側側副靭帯 Ligament(s), collateral, ulnar|尺側側副靭帯 Ligament(s), ulnar collateral|尺側側副靭帯 Tendon(s), of biceps brachii muscle|上腕二頭筋の腱
Fig. 134: Coronal(Frontal)Section Through the Left Wrist Joints
    Bone(s), capitate|有頭骨 Bone(s), hamate|(手根の)有鈎骨(ゆうこうこつ) Bone(s), lunate|(手根の)月状骨 Bone(s), metacarpal|中手骨 Bone(s), radius|橈骨(とうこつ) Bone(s), scaphoid|(足の)舟状骨 Bone(s), trapezium|大菱形骨 Bone(s), trapezoid|小菱形骨 Bone(s), triquetral|三角骨 Bone(s), ulna|尺骨 Bone(s), ulna, head of|尺骨頭 Disc, articular, of wrist|訳語 Finger(s), joints of|指の関節 Finger(s), joints of, carpometacarpal|手根中手関節 Finger(s), joints of, little finger|小指の関節 Joint(s), carpometacarpal|手根中手関節 Joint(s), carpometacarpal, of thumb|母指の手根中手関節 Joint(s), mediocarpal, between two rows of carpal bones|手根中央関節 Joint(s), radiocarpal|橈骨手根関節 Joint(s), radioulnar|橈尺関節 Joint(s), wrist|手関節 Ligament(s), collateral, radial|橈側側副靭帯 Ligament(s), collateral, ulnar|尺側側副靭帯 Ligament(s), interosseous metacarpal|訳語 Ligament(s), metacarpal, interosseous|訳語 Ligament(s), ulnar collateral|尺側側副靭帯 Wrist, joints of|手くびの関節