MHonArc test archive


[db-001] 3P075 : ヒトコブラクダ後頭腺が行なう分泌の形態的基盤

#Z 3P075
#A ヒトコブラクダ後頭腺が行なう分泌の形態的基盤
#B The poll glands of the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius): A histochemical and SEM study
#E1 阿閉/泰郎
#F1 アトジ/ヤスロウ
#G1 Atoji/Yasuro
#J1 岐阜大学農学部家畜解剖学
#K1 ギフダイガク ノウガクブ カチクカイボウガク
#L1 Laboratory of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Gifu University
#E2 山本/欣郎
#F2 ヤマモト/ヨシオ
#G2 Yamamoto/Yoshio
#J2 岐阜大学農学部家畜解剖学
#K2 ギフダイガク ノウガクブ カチクカイボウガク
#L2 Laboratory of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Gifu University
#E3 鈴木/義孝
#F3 スズキ/ヨシタカ
#G3 Suzuki/Yoshitaka
#J3 岐阜大学農学部家畜解剖学
#K3 ギフダイガク ノウガクブ カチクカイボウガク
#L3 Laboratory of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Gifu University
#M レクチン組織化学,アクチン,PGP9.5,走査電顕
#N lectin histochemistry, alpha-actin, PGP9.5, scanning electron microscopy
#T The Poll glands of the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius): A histochemical and SEM study. Yasuro Atoji, Ramadan Sayed1, Yoshio Yamamoto & Yoshitaka Suzuki (Lab Vet Anat, Fac Agr, Gifu Univ, Gifu, 1Dept Anat & Histol, Fac Vet Med, Assiut Univ, Assiut, Egypt)
Poll glands of the one-humped camel were examined their secretory mechanism by lectin histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and scanning electron microscopy. The glands consisted of apocrine tubules. Lectins of PNA, DBA and WGA showed a variety of staining in the Golgi areas and secretory granules in secretory cells of the apocrine tubules. Most myoepithelial cells stained intensely with alpha-smooth muscle actin. Varicose nerve fibers immunostained with PGP 9.5 were scattered among apocrine tubules. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the luminal surface of secretory cells was covered with microvilli and that secretory cells pinched off smooth-surfaced apocrine blebs. After pinching off, crater-like pits remained on the luminal surface of secretory cells. These findings are similar to those obtained from the infraorbital glands of the serows.
#Last_modified 97.03.01-12:44
#Return_path #Sequence_number   1

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