MHonArc test archive


[db-019] 1P081 : ラット前庭神経核−下オリーブ核投射の局在について

#Z 1P081
#A ラット前庭神経核−下オリーブ核投射の局在について
#B Topography of the vestibulo-olivary projection in the albino rat
#E1 梅谷/健彦
#F1 うめたに/たけひこ
#G1 Umetani/Takehiko
#J1 神戸大学医学部解剖学第一講座
#K1 こうべ だいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいいちこうざ
#L1 First Department of Anatomy, Kobe University School of Medicine
#D ラットの前庭オリーブ投射の起始および終止をバイオサイチンを用いた順行
とVentrolateral outgrowth、そして対側のdorsal capに投射することが分かった。
#M 中枢神経、前庭神経核、下オリーブ核、局在、ラット
#N central nervous system, vestibular nuclei, inferior olivary
nucleus,topography, rat
#T Origin and termination of the vestibulo-olivary fibers were
investigated in the albino rat by an anterograde tracing method using
biocytin.These fibers were originated from the ventral parts of the
lateral, spinal, and medial vestibular nuclei.Terminations of these fibers
were as follows.(1)Fibers from the ventral part of the lateral vestibular
nucleus terminated in the ipsilateral medial accessory olive and subnucleus
beta.(2)Fibers from the ventral part of the spinal vestibular nucleus
terminated bilaterally in the subnucleus beta and ventrolateral outgrowth
with ipsilateral dominance.(3)Fibers from the ventral part of the medial
vestibular nucleus terminated in the contralateral dorsal cap.
#Last_modified 97.03.17-14:23
#Sequence_number   19

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