MHonArc test archive


[db-023] 3C31 : スンクス横隔膜に存在するリンパ管小孔の分布地図

#Z 3C31
#A スンクス横隔膜に存在するリンパ管小孔の分布地図
#B A distribution map of lymphatic stomata in the diaphragm of
the Suncus Murinus
#E1 中谷/壽男
#F1 なかたに/としお
#G1 Nakatani/Toshio
#J1 金沢大学医学部第2解剖学講座
#K1 かなざわ だいがく いがくぶ だいに かいぼうがく こうざ
#L1 Department of Anatomy 2, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University
#E2 田中/重徳
#F2 たなか/しげのり
#G2 Tanaka/Shigenori
#J2 金沢大学医学部第2解剖学講座
#K2 かなざわ だいがく いがくぶ だいに かいぼうがく こうざ
#L2 Department of Anatomy 2, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University
#E3 水上/茂樹
#F3 みずかみ/しげき
#G3 Mizukami/Shigeki
#J3 福井県立大学看護短期大学部解剖学教室
ふくいけんりつ だいがく かんごたんき だいがくぶ かいぼうがく きょうしつ
#L3 Department of Anatomy, College of Nursing, Fukui
Prefectural University
#M リンパ管小孔,スンクス, 横隔膜, 走査電顕 , 腹膜, 胸膜,
#N lymphatic stomata, Suncus Murinus, diaphragm, scanning
electron microscopy,
 peritoneum, pleura
#T The aim of this study is to draw a distribution map of
lymphatic stomata (LS) in
the diaphragm of the Sucnus Murinus. We observed the
diaphragm attached to the
thorax by scanning electron microscopy or
cell-maceration/scanning electron
microscopic method. LS were always observed at muscle
area of both peritoneal
and pleural sides of the diaphragm, although LS were
rarely found on the central
tendon of the peritoneal side. A group of LS observed on
the peritoneal diaphragm
showed a band-like shape and a delta-like shape which
became broader near the
thoracic wall. A long axis of a group of LS oriented
from the center to periphery of
the diaphragm. Groups of LS on left and right sides of
the diaphragm were not
continuous each other. A group of LS like a band existed
at small and limited area
of left and right pleural sides of the muscle area on the
diaphragm. These indicate
that fluid or materials in the peritoneal and pleural
cavity are absorbed into the
diaphragmatic lymphatic cavity through the peritoneal and
pleural LS.
#Last_modified 97.03.19-11:01
#Sequence_number   23

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