MHonArc test archive


[db-075] 1E14 :

#Z 1E14
#B Study on the ontogeny of parietal cells in rat fundic gland:
approaches base on H+K+ATPase
#E1 楊/ 冬華
#F1 やん/どんふぁ
#G1 Yang/DongHua
#J1 鹿児島大学医学部解剖学第二講座
#K1 かごしまだいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいにこうざ
#L1 Department of Anatomy, Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine
#E2 津山/新一郎
#F2 つやま/しんいちろう
#G2 Tsuyama/Shinichiro
#J2 鹿児島大学医学部解剖学第二講座
#K2 かごしまだいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいにこうざ
#L2 Department of Anatomy, Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine
#E3 大森/淳
#F3 おおもり/じゅん
#G3 Ohmori/Jun
#J3 鹿児島大学医学部解剖学第二講座
#K3 かごしまだいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいにこうざ
#L3 Department of Anatomy, Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine
#E4 戈/応濱
#F4 げ/いんびん
#G4 Ge/Yinbing
#J4 鹿児島大学医学部解剖学第二講座
#K4 かごしまだいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいにこうざ
#L4 Department of Anatomy, Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine
#E5 村田/長芳
#F5 むらた/ふさよし
#G5 Murata/Fusayoshi
#J5 鹿児島大学医学部解剖学第二講座
#K5 かごしまだいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいにこうざ
#L5 Department of Anatomy, Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine
#N H+K+ATPase, parietal cells, ontogeny, fundic gland, immunohistochemistry
#T In the 99th Assembly of the Japanese Society of Anatomists, we have rep
orted the ontogeny of parietal cells base on their ultra-structure and
GSA1-B4 lectin staining. In the present report, we studied the ontogeny of
parietal cells in rat fundic gland based on immuno-histochemical staining
of anti-H+K+ATPase. Gastric H+K+ATPase plays the main role in gastric acid
secretion. It consists of a 114kDa catalytic a-subunit and an associated
96kDa b-subunit glycoprotein. Like GSA1-B4 lectin staining, parietal cells
exhibited positive staining to antibodies against H+K+ATPase a-subunit and
b-subunit from day 19.5 of gestation. The development of anti-H+K+ATPase
positive cells was in accordance with that of GSA1-B4 lectin staining. We
observed the distribution of parietal cells in embryonal, neonatal,
lactating, weaning and adult rat using immuno-cytochemical method.
Electron microscopically, both microvilli of intracellular canaliculi and
tubulovesicle were positively stained by anti-H+K+ATPase a-subunit and
b-subunit in high pressure freezing followed by freeze substitution
#Last_modified 97.03.31-09:36
#Sequence_number   75

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