MHonArc test archive


[db-016] 1P087 : 三叉神経脊髄路核の c-fos

#A 三叉神経脊髄路核の c-fos
蛋白免疫陽性細胞 ─ 歯髄の電気的・化学的刺激による発現
#B C-fos immunoreactive neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus of the rat
after electrical and chemical stimulation to the tooth pulp.
#E1 高橋/理
#F1 たかはし/おさむ
#G1 Takahashi/Osamu
#J1 広島大学歯学部口腔解剖学第二講座
#K1 ひろしまだいがくしがくぶこうくうかいぼうがくだい2こうざ
#L1 Department of Oral Anatomy II, Hiroshima University School of Dentistry
#E2 村上/千景
#F2 むらかみ/ちかげ
#G2 Murakami/Chikage
#J2 広島大学歯学部口腔解剖学第二講座
#K2 ひろしまだいがくしがくぶこうくうかいぼうがくだい2こうざ
#L2 Department of Oral Anatomy II, Hiroshima University School of Dentistry
#E3 脇田/一慶
#F3 わきだ/かずよし
#G3 Wakida/Kazuyoshi
#J3 広島大学歯学部口腔解剖学第二講座
#K3 ひろしまだいがくしがくぶこうくうかいぼうがくだい2こうざ
#L3 Department of Oral Anatomy II, Hiroshima University School of Dentistry
#E4 内田/隆
#F4 うちだ/たかし
#G4 Uchida/Takashi
#J4 広島大学歯学部口腔解剖学第二講座
#K4 ひろしまだいがくしがくぶこうくうかいぼうがくだい2こうざ
#L4 Department of Oral Anatomy II, Hiroshima University School of Dentistry
#D 【材料と方法】実験にはα-chloralose
歯髄に開口反射を誘発する刺激閾値の2.0 - 3.0
stard oil
横断連続切片を作製し,免疫組織化学的にc-fos 蛋白を検出した.各切片上のc-fos
免疫陽性細胞(c-fos LI
cell)を投影顕微鏡を用いて検索し,刺激を与えた歯とc-fos LI cell
層およびC1後角に多数のc-fos LI
cellが観察された.この中で,Vc最吻側部より2.00 - 3.80
mm尾側のレベルにおいて,その表層にc-fos LI cell
fos LI cellが観察された他,Vc最吻側部より1.60 - 2.56
mmのレベルの表層に,密に分布したより多数のc-fos LI cell
#T In order to clarify somatotopical arrangement of trigeminal sensory
neurons in the caudal subnucleus of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, c-fos
expression was used to identify secondary neuron which receive sensory
input from the tooth pulp.
 Seventy adult cats weighing between 3.0 and 4.5 kg were used. At
first, animals were anesthetized with α-chloralose. For electrical
stimulation of the tooth pulp nerve, electrodes were embedded in the upper
canine, upper molar, lower canine and lower molar tooth pulp. For chemical
stimulation of the tooth pulp nerve, mustard oil were applied to each tooth
pulp. Then animals were deeply re-anesthetized and perfused transcardially
with 4% paraformaldehyde, and c-fos Immunohistochemistry was performed.
 Four different tooth pulps were stimulated electro-physiologically
and chemically. In any case, c-fos LI cells were primarily expressed in the
dorsal portion of the superficial laminae of the rostral half of the Vc and
C1 after tooth pulp stimulation with somatotopic arrangement. Many c-fos LI
cells were also expressed in bilateral rostral most level of Vc, especially
in lamina I. At the spinal level (C1), a few c-fos LI cells were frequently
observed in the ipsilateral rostral medial narrow band of the superficial
layer of the dorsal horn.
The present study showed that both of quantitative electrical
stimulation and chemical stimulation applied to the four different tooth
pulps caused expression of c-fos protein in four different site in the
superficial laminae of the Vc.
#Last_modified 97.03.16-13:56
#Sequence_number   16

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