MHonArc test archive


[db-073] 3E33 : 放射線照射後のラット免疫組織の変化

#Z 3E33
#A 放射線照射後のラット免疫組織の変化
#B Changes of immune tissues in irradiated rats
#E1 徳田/信子
#F1 とくだ/のぶこ
#G1 Tokuda/Nobuko
#J1 山口大学医学部解剖学講座
#K1 やまぐち だいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいいち こうざ
#L1 1st Department of Anatomy, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
#E2 中森/芳宜
#F2 なかもり/よしたか
#G2 Nakamori/Yoshitaka
#J2 山口大学医学部解剖学講座
#K2 やまぐち だいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいいち こうざ
#L2 1st Department of Anatomy, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
#E3 王/玉雪
#F3 Wang/Yu-Hsuehi
#G3 Wang/Yu-Hsuehi
#J3 山口大学医学部解剖学講座
#K3 やまぐち だいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいいち こうざ
#L3 1st Department of Anatomy, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
#E4 Lovely/Rehana Sultana
#F4 Lovely/Rehana Sultana
#G4 Lovely/Rehana Sultana
#J4 山口大学医学部解剖学講座
#K4 やまぐち だいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいいち こうざ
#L4 1st Department of Anatomy, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
#E5 沢田/知夫
#F5 さわだ/ともお
#G5 Sawada/Tomoo
#J5 山口大学医学部解剖学講座
#K5 やまぐち だいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいいち こうざ
#L5 1st Department of Anatomy, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
#E6 藤倉/義久
#F6 ふじくら/よしひさ
#G6 Fujikura/Yoshihisa
#J6 山口大学医学部解剖学講座
#K6 やまぐち だいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいいち こうざ
#L6 1st Department of Anatomy, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
#E6 福本/哲夫
#F7 ふくもと/てつお
#G7 Fukumoto/Tetsuo
#J7 山口大学医学部解剖学講座
#K7 やまぐち だいがく いがくぶ かいぼうがく だいいち こうざ
#L7 1st Department of Anatomy, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine
#M 放射線照射 骨髄移植 胸腺 IL-7 MHC
#N Irradiation Bone marrow transplantation Thymus IL-7 MHC
#T In our previous report, isogenic BM cells were transplanted into let
hally irradiated female DA rats. BM transplanted rats recovered in body weig
ht and histological features of immune organs about 2-5 weeks after the tran
splantation. Interestingly, recipients exhibited body weight loss (2nd loss)
accompanied with severe atrophy of BM and weight loss of thymus around 7 wee
ks after transplantation. To clarify the cause for this second weight loss.
In this study rats were sublethally irradiated and examined. Two times loss
of thymus weight without body weight loss and destruction of thymic structur
e were found, suggesting that the second body weight loss may be partially e
xplained by the changes occurring in the thymus after irradiation. Immunohis
tochemical analyses using anti IL-7 and anti MHC antigens in normal and reco
vering thymuses were also conducted to examine the detail changes in regener
ating thymuses.
#Last_modified 97.03.29-10:26
#Sequence_number   73

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