





その10 アメリカ遺伝子治療学会の見解(2)

While the Society agrees with a number of the proposed changes, other issues require further clarification or additional efforts at harmonization. Specific areas which are of concern include:



まず、副作用報告の解釈の問題。全体的な臨床の場での文脈 (clinical context) から切り離されて、副作用があったという報告だけが一人歩きすると、大きな誤解を生み、臨床研究に参加している患者やその家族に大きなダメージを与えてしまいます。

Interpreting adverse event reporting

While the Society strongly favors public disclosure of adverse events, we believe adverse events must be reported in the clinical context in which they occurred. Patient protection is not served if the data presented is preliminary or out of context and therefore prone to misinterpretation. Disclosure of erroneous information can result in extreme distress for study participants and their families. All reasonable safeguards must be in place to prevent such occurrences. We recommend OBA serve an interpretive role, providing linkage between fully investigated adverse event reports and the clinical trial. 

アメリカ遺伝子治療学会の見解 つづきへ

バイオ研究者のための英語 目次へ

