






その6 あげると言ってたものが見つからず、謝るケース昔作った貴重なサンプルがどうしても見つからないなんて、そんな、あって欲しくないことが、実はしょっちゅう起こってしまうのが現実です。責めるべき相手は、あいつとあいつ、でも一番の責任者はこの自分か。実状話して謝るしかない。以下の文章は、そんな状況の説明に大変参考になります。でも、どうかこんな手紙書かないで済むように、みんな、大切なサンプルはしっかり整理しておきましょう。

A member of my lab has tried to locate the *** that you requested. I am sorry but she was unable to find them. We stopped our work with *** about 13 years ago and in that interval we have moved and relocated our frozen stocks many times. I am not surprised that it is lost, especially as no one continued on this project. As I mentioned to you before, I am not *** to look for the samples myself, but the woman who did look would not have missed it if it was there. Again I am sorry. I would have very much wanted to see that material used. I wish you good luck in your research.


Thank you for your kind response and information.  We are sorry to know that the mutants are no more available.  We greatly appreciate your cordial cooperation.  Best wishes.

バイオ研究者のための英語 目次へ


